March Madness (aka The Month of The Domino Effect)

March Madness (aka The Month of The Domino Effect)

3/1 – 3/5 – I threw my back out something terrible and was totally out of commission.

3/6 – Finally able to walk again and had mommy friends and a brood of 3-year-olds over to welcome an out of town guest. Friend’s child threw up at the party. The real fun begins here as does the Domino Effect.

3/7 – Another mommy friend and her daughter got the bug.

3/8 – 3/11 – My youngest got it. And this is when I miss my big mommy-only overnight outing to Santa Barbabra.

3/11 – 3/12 – I got it. Bad. And this is where I miss most of my sisters wedding, barely hanging on for the ceremony and leaving before the reception.

3/13 – My oldest got it/has it. And a phone call from my mother confirmed she’s down too.

And now, after two full weeks of total chaos, it’s official, things (as in almost everything internet) are falling through the cracks. If you are one of them…please forgive me if I have been unresponsive. I will be picking up the pieces of March for a while, I’m sure. And do I even have to say that I am petrified of what tomorrow might hold.

  • jen lemen
    Posted at 21:04h, 13 March Reply

    oh dear! hang in there, girl! 🙁

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 22:32h, 13 March Reply

    Should I say it? Dare I say it? Would it just be too cruel and awful to utter those dreaded words we used to banty about?

    Well. First let me say that I am so sorry that you and the whole gang are tossing your cookies. So so very sorry. I hope you are all better sooner than soon.


    Now I’ll say it.

    But don’t forget to laugh ok?

    It’s supposed to make you laugh.

    Are you ready?

    This too shall pass.


  • sweetsalty kate
    Posted at 23:41h, 13 March Reply

    Oh my, oh no! This just plain sucks for you. How horrible. I am sending healthy vibes to you right now (what few I’ve managed to scrounge).. we just came off a full month of sinus and chest infections. But I think you’ve got us beat with the barfing.

    Get better soon……! Take care, get rest.. never leave the house again in February.. uhhh, did I just say that? Whoops.. that’s advice to myself. Never mind.

  • Amanda
    Posted at 00:08h, 14 March Reply

    That sounds like my January.

    And my February.

    We all got it TWICE.

    Get well soon!

  • Karianna
    Posted at 01:08h, 14 March Reply

    Oh, NO. 🙁

    But the end of March brings the end of the first quarter, so hopefully the second quarter will be much kinder to you as regards teeth, backs, and stomach situations.

  • Tere
    Posted at 16:08h, 14 March Reply

    Well, crap, that sucks! Sorry to hear it’s been a bad week…

  • sweatpantsmom
    Posted at 23:09h, 14 March Reply

    This is EXACTLY what I’ve been paranoid of for the last week. My brother gets married this Saturday, my daughter’s the flower girl and we have tons of relatives in town. I’ve just been praying that none of us gets sick.

    Now you’ve convinced me – I’m cancelling their playdates we had planned for tomorrow with some classmates.

    Hope you’re feeling better, Tracey.

  • melody
    Posted at 03:11h, 15 March Reply

    I am holding my breath so I do not breath the germs around here.

    “Tomorrow’s another day” No.
    “The sun’ll come out tomorrow” No.
    “Keep your chin up” Can’t when you’re puking.
    I know…”Sometimes life sucks” Yes, that’s the one I was looking for.

    Hope you and the gang are all better and stay better.

  • BigSliceJenny
    Posted at 04:57h, 15 March Reply

    Oh, sweetie! Feel better soon.

  • Claddyjack
    Posted at 23:08h, 17 March Reply

    good, so you got all that out of the way – followed by a string of amazing chance and good stuff for all! Miss you girl

  • la vie en rose
    Posted at 19:41h, 21 March Reply

    bless your heart!!!

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