Message 3

  • melody
    Posted at 07:03h, 24 August Reply

    Truer words were never spoken. Peek-a-boo I see you and love it.


    Free Choice

  • golightly
    Posted at 07:11h, 24 August Reply

    Ain’t that the truth!

  • Donna
    Posted at 07:13h, 24 August Reply

    so true…..

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 12:20h, 24 August Reply

    Signs, signs, everywhere the signs. You can’t ignore them, can you?

    Here is my addition this week.

  • Joanna
    Posted at 13:12h, 24 August Reply


    My shot this week spoke to me about all the anticipation last week brought.

    My BSM

  • killlashandra
    Posted at 13:31h, 24 August Reply

    I’m not sure life is every really a picnic. But it is worth examining. The good and bad are all mixed in there together. 🙂

    Here is a thought about an out of focus shot that said something to me.

  • Lu
    Posted at 13:51h, 24 August Reply

    love this for many reasons. one, the words. two, you are in the image with the words. three…i just like it because.

  • megan
    Posted at 14:13h, 24 August Reply

    what a great shot. mine’s not so profound…


  • Lis
    Posted at 14:52h, 24 August Reply

    This week was filled with memories of my family’s life 3 years ago when we were preparing to travel to meet our daughter for the first time. So the theme for our week and weekend was Celebration. Where did the time go?!

  • carrie
    Posted at 14:58h, 24 August Reply

    Love that quote. Love that shot.
    Mine isn’t so much spoken, but rather what was sung to me.

  • Alicia
    Posted at 15:11h, 24 August Reply

    Love the photo and quote (the reflection ROCKS!)

    Here’s mine: enjoy the ride

  • golightly
    Posted at 15:18h, 24 August Reply

    I was inspired to try something new with something considered useless after breaking. And as always, just stopping to play with my four year old inspires me. Here is my BSM for the week. The first image. My little muse.

  • IE Mommy
    Posted at 15:36h, 24 August Reply

    Great series. Thanks for the inspiration. I found something that spoke to me recently but it was not a written word…swing on over and take a look. Thanks for the series.

  • Cara
    Posted at 16:10h, 24 August Reply

    What a great quote! I love your reflection in the window too. Here is a little quiet moment I captured in the midst of a busy few weeks.

  • Dani
    Posted at 17:08h, 24 August Reply

    I love Robert Fulghum! We drove by this is Madison, IN:

  • LilSis
    Posted at 17:14h, 24 August Reply

    This is actually my daily affirmation on my calendar for today and it reminds me of your Message 2. It says:

    "I face my future peacefully and calmly because I know I am enough."

    I need to repeat that over and over so I can begin to believe it!

  • Wanda
    Posted at 18:22h, 24 August Reply

    Picture Hope–speaks to me every day.

  • photographing mom
    Posted at 18:53h, 24 August Reply

    Just joining in today…

    today is…

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 19:24h, 24 August Reply

    So very true, and as always, what a great shot!

    Here’s my Best Shot.

  • Dani
    Posted at 00:47h, 25 August Reply

    i posted a link to my image earlier, but the more i think about it, the thing that has really stood out to me this week is "i am enough." i can’t get it out of my head…and how well it fits in my heart.

  • Laura
    Posted at 01:02h, 25 August Reply

    This is my first time participating here, this quote really spoke to me today:

  • Heather
    Posted at 03:22h, 25 August Reply

    adore how such a cluttered image is yet so simple. lovely as always.

  • gloria king
    Posted at 05:23h, 25 August Reply

    trust in me

  • creativevoyage
    Posted at 15:11h, 25 August Reply

    snork ! I’d love to put this on my blog with a link to you .

  • alison
    Posted at 15:25h, 25 August Reply

    my first comment. my first bsm on my blog. and am learning to be in the present moment.

  • Bostongaljm
    Posted at 16:39h, 25 August Reply

    I always love finding words hidden among other ephemera. It is like finding a treasure, and somehow these sort of messages always seem to be speaking directly to me. This is a great shot, and I love how you put yourself in the photograph.

  • amy
    Posted at 16:25h, 26 August Reply

    I love your blog 🙂 Here is something that I saw and it spoke to me, reminded me of what I need to be reminded of…
    "the worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt." -sylvia plath

  • Gretchen Schock-Skovron
    Posted at 12:06h, 29 August Reply

    Oh I love robert Fulghum! Favorite author!!!

  • Olivia23Battle
    Posted at 02:53h, 05 June Reply

    People deserve wealthy life time and loans or just short term loan will make it better. Just because freedom is based on money state.

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