My Best Shot at Slowing Down

My Best Shot at Slowing Down

I woke up this morning with a start. Gasp! What day is it? It’s Monday, isn’t it?

We’ve had quite the eventful week and I so wanted to write about all of the spinning and swirling mommy emotions that have been flooding my head and my heart but alas, besides a birthday, and a promotion ceremony (my baby has been promoted to middle school) we had a different kind of flood. The laundry room spilled over with so much water from the defunct washing machine that it’s damaged our wood flooring AND it got the wall so wet that all of our cabinets actually fell off the wall. Big, heavy cabinets. Right onto our washer and dryer. Big huge crashing sound. Not pretty. And certainly not good timing. Happy Father’s Day.

It’s hard to focus on the light at the end of this tunnel because I’m not sure how many miles down the road it is but I know we’ll get there eventually. This too shall pass my Grandma reminds me. She’s right. And it could be worse. As we still have some wrapping up to do before all of the end of the school year hullabaloo starts to settle down it feels so hectic around here, it’s hard to keep my head about me. Deep cleansing breath. I will look back on all of this and laugh, right?

Although I have hundreds of photos on a number of compact flash cards all over the house and videos galore from the recent pomp and circumstance(s) –we got a new video camera-yay!-I have yet to get any of them to my computer. However, in the midst of the chaos, I thought it might be nice to share a photo or two that speak more of slowing down and being mindful of what is important, than anything else.

I submitted this image as well as a few others for consideration in a lovely collaborative project called my heart wanders. I was so inspired by their call for images and the project itself, I spend one afternoon in the midst of all the activities and slowed down long enough to create a handful of photographs that I really love. Truthfully, I’m just delighted to have stumbled onto my new blog crush.

So, in the theme of slowing down a bit today, I offer you this best shot for the day. If nothing else, I will be using it as a mediation of sorts to find some calm today. I know it’s there somewhere. I just have to seek it out.

Did you find any time to slow down and smell the flowers this week? OR perhaps you captured the craze of life in a shot that brought perspective or maybe even humor? Whatever your week looked like, we’d love to see how you caught it in action.

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