My Perfectly Imperfect Best Shot Monday

My Perfectly Imperfect Best Shot Monday

I thought about sharing this shot of my girlies from last week for my best shot but since today is the kick off the fantastic blog series The Gift of Imperfect Parenting at beautiful Brene Brown’s blog Ordinary Courage, I figured the much more appropriate photo to share was this one.

Today I’m feeling courageous enough to show you my real life at it’s craziest, it’s most absurd and with all it’s flaws. And you know what? I’ll bet you’re cool with that, aren’t you? See. I knew I liked you.

As I said in you last post, I encourage you to tune in to what Brene has to share in regards to ‘raising our children with courage, compassion and connection’. It’s a message you don’t want to miss. Be sure to pop over to her series and snap up the CD ASAP. You’ll be really glad you did.

So…on that note, would you like to share your perfect pictures (or the perfectly imperfect ones if you dare) on this fine yet flawed Monday?


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