on feeling alive

on feeling alive

“Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be.”
Walt Whitman


Today’s Reverb prompt from Ali Edwards had me musing all day. I know exactly when I feel most alive…

When I can hear the wind blow through tall beach grasses.

When I feel a cool breeze on my face.

When I am warmed by the sun.

When I pay attention to my breathe and find a rhythm.

When I quietly hold my loved ones in my arms.

When I discover unexpected beauty with my lens.

When I sip a soothing cup of tea.

When I take care of myself.


How about you? When do you feel most alive?

  • Janet
    Posted at 04:20h, 04 December Reply

    i like how you've done this prompt. poetic and beautiful!

  • Dayna
    Posted at 04:50h, 04 December Reply

    Simple and graceful and in the moment. Nice.

  • Mary
    Posted at 04:51h, 04 December Reply

    That's a beautiful list.

    I chose just one moment from 2010 to reflect on and I chose a hike I did in Kashmir, India through the Himalayas this summer: http://bit.ly/goDfml

    And, what a great quote to share.


  • wholly jeanne
    Posted at 05:37h, 04 December Reply

    Well I feel more alive every time I read this.

  • jill conyers
    Posted at 10:08h, 04 December Reply

    My response to this prompt was immediate. I recalled the exact moment I felt amazingly alive

  • Mary Ann
    Posted at 11:52h, 04 December Reply

    Wonderful list for reflection. I feel most alive when I am running and feeling my body move and sweat and labor–and breathe.

  • lifeineden {amy}
    Posted at 14:01h, 04 December Reply

    Love this. beautiful shot, beautiful words.
    I had to think all day too, and I could not pick a single event for this one either. Just little stolen moments here and there.

  • FireMom
    Posted at 15:09h, 04 December Reply

    I feel most alive when I remind myself to just let go of the control I desire/need to have. If only I could remember that!

  • Phoenix Peacock
    Posted at 19:16h, 04 December Reply

    I love how you responded to this. And I adore that you chose Walt Whitman to reflect upon this with you. He is who I look to constantly.

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