On taking the next step

On taking the next step

It’s TGIF over at Ordinary Courage. I have been waiting for this day all week.

I trust my intuition. I trust that I am on the right path. I trust that everything is playing out as it is meant to. The hardest part of trusting that is when you’re in a trial period, when things aren’t going ‘your way’ and when you’re feeling overwhelmed and on occasion even lost. But, you know the trust must be there because you keep on walking, taking that next step; knowing in your very soul that the earth and it’s gravity will never forsake you.

I am grateful for the perspective that I gain from people that can see things clearer than I can see them. Karen Maezen Miller’s gentle words of encouragement at The Mother’s Plunge (her message is still ringing in my ears) acknowledging each of us as brave souls pointing out that we do act in true faith and believing every time we take that step, and every time we exhale our breath from our lungs with the knowing that more air will be there for us on our next inhale. She’s right. And although it seems so simple, recognizing that kind of daily courage in ourselves is deeply profound especially when we’re feeling most fearful and uncertain.

I am inspired by the connectedness of us all; by the knowing that we are all in this together. I am inspired by the people I have met on my journey and the connections I have made with exceptional human beings. And how their wisdom and kindness, generosity and authenticity seeps into my soul and makes me a better person for it.

There is so much about this crazy life to be grateful for. So much goodness. So much support. So much love. Even when the steps take great effort, and the breath is labored, there is beauty unfolding.

In shadow and in light.

  • Jena
    Posted at 10:37h, 18 July Reply

    Thank you for this beautiful, quieting reminder. I’m so grateful for the crossed paths, the unfolding.

  • liz elayne
    Posted at 01:44h, 19 July Reply

    so much beauty and truth here.
    thank you for this gentle reminder….

  • shelley
    Posted at 18:52h, 20 July Reply

    you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars you have a right to be here and whether or not it is clear to you no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should . Desiderda this always brings me great comfort in uncertain times.

  • deb
    Posted at 02:44h, 22 July Reply

    fairly new to blogging,
    to this place of beauty
    thank you for simplicity, truth , complexity, mystery

  • Swirly
    Posted at 07:48h, 30 July Reply

    When we choose to focus on the joy, it all falls into place, doesn’t it? I continue to learn this over and over again – where I put my focus creates the foundation for everything else.

  • Jakki
    Posted at 14:28h, 08 October Reply

    I have this entry saved as my bookmark for your blog. I always come back to it first before I read what’s currently from you and I have to say…this speak SCREAMS at me each and every time I read it. Screams In a good way, LOL. I’m taking some step in my life that I’ve needed to tak in a long time, letting somethings go, holding some things close or closer. Sometimes it hurts….but ultimately I know it needs to be done and for some odd reason,your words hear make the hurt a little more bareable.

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