

The weekend was amazing. But the work I have let wait now awaits me. Sigh. I’m trying so hard to keep my perspective; that what really matters are these tiny moments. The time with my children. The time I allow myself to pause.

I could study an image like this for a lifetime. A perfect profile, soft, diffused light rushing in and chipped pink nail polish. It’s what life (my life) is made of. And it IS what really matters. The work always gets done (whether I freak out about it or just quietly and mindfully chip away at it).

Breathe Tracey. Breathe. Pause. And breathe.

What tiny moments make up your life? Pause and share them with us.

  • megan
    Posted at 05:58h, 07 December Reply

    my tiny moment is the laugh i got when i uploaded our xmas tree farm photos today.

    Santa mafia

  • megan
    Posted at 05:58h, 07 December Reply

    my tiny moment is the laugh i got when i uploaded our xmas tree farm photos today.

    Santa mafia

  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 12:25h, 07 December Reply

    You’re breathing today, my little one is not. Yucky day at home from school. But we did pause enough to take our pictures this weekend.

  • Marcie
    Posted at 12:44h, 07 December Reply

    Beautiful image!!!
    I think we all need a little reminder to ‘just breathe’ – slow and steady…it all gets done!

  • Cara
    Posted at 13:01h, 07 December Reply

    We finally got to our Advent wreath and calendar this weekend, I am having a wonderful time trying to teach them the real meaning of Christmas.
    I Miei Due Bambini

  • lifeineden
    Posted at 13:30h, 07 December Reply

    I always feel like my "to do" list is overwhelming. While I don’t actually have any deadlines, I always feel behind. It can be hard to give yourself permission to just chip away at things. This weekend I did sneak out and steal 5 minutes for myself. Just a moment to enjoy the snow in our new home.

  • Puna
    Posted at 14:21h, 07 December Reply

    It’s been a whirlwind weekend but I love going back and looking at the photos. I will be spending time this week on my family and our Christmas preparations. They deserve it.

    Christmas party best shot.

  • Puna
    Posted at 14:21h, 07 December Reply

    It’s been a whirlwind weekend but I love going back and looking at the photos. I will be spending time this week on my family and our Christmas preparations. They deserve it.

    Christmas party best shot.

  • Dawn
    Posted at 16:26h, 07 December Reply

    What a lovely shot of your girl~

    I have been struggling lately with some health stuff and was happy to pause and share some Merrier times~

    Enjoy your rainy week!!

  • Dawn
    Posted at 16:26h, 07 December Reply

    What a lovely shot of your girl~

    I have been struggling lately with some health stuff and was happy to pause and share some Merrier times~

    Enjoy your rainy week!!

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 18:26h, 07 December Reply

    Beautiful image – and a much-needed reminder as I struggle to keep my "should-do" list from overwhelming my "actually-want-to-do" list!

    Here’s my Best Shot.

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 18:26h, 07 December Reply

    Beautiful image – and a much-needed reminder as I struggle to keep my "should-do" list from overwhelming my "actually-want-to-do" list!

    Here’s my Best Shot.

  • Suz Broughton
    Posted at 18:34h, 07 December Reply

    Oh, I love the tiny moments too! Here is my Best Shot Monday.

  • Suz Broughton
    Posted at 18:34h, 07 December Reply

    Oh, I love the tiny moments too! Here is my Best Shot Monday.

  • Chris
    Posted at 20:38h, 07 December Reply

    This tiny moment is one to be treasured forever, definitely.

  • Chris
    Posted at 20:38h, 07 December Reply

    This tiny moment is one to be treasured forever, definitely.

  • Rebecca
    Posted at 22:39h, 07 December Reply

    Thank is so true. It will all get done regardless! I feel the same way this time of year. To much to do! Love the important moment you caught in this picture! Its what really is important! Click on my name to see Best shot monday. Still havent figure out how to put link in a word! ???

  • Rebecca
    Posted at 22:39h, 07 December Reply

    Thank is so true. It will all get done regardless! I feel the same way this time of year. To much to do! Love the important moment you caught in this picture! Its what really is important! Click on my name to see Best shot monday. Still havent figure out how to put link in a word! ???

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 23:10h, 07 December Reply

    So, so lovely. We had many tiny moments this part week. Too much fun to choose just one.

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 23:10h, 07 December Reply

    So, so lovely. We had many tiny moments this part week. Too much fun to choose just one.

  • carrie
    Posted at 06:59h, 08 December Reply

    beautiful, tracey.
    i just paused to really drink your post in.
    i have some little reminders over at chaos today, too.

  • carrie
    Posted at 06:59h, 08 December Reply

    beautiful, tracey.
    i just paused to really drink your post in.
    i have some little reminders over at chaos today, too.

  • Karen Maezen Miller
    Posted at 16:47h, 08 December Reply

    I love you. Contact me when you have air to spare.

  • Jade Sheldon
    Posted at 16:58h, 08 December Reply

    It’s so true, the work will always be there, but other more happy moments can be fleeting: you have to snatch them up while they are there or you will be forced to miss them entirely. I cherish moments like holding hands with my sweetie as we walk up and down the aisles of the grocery store. I cherish laughing with my brother over the same newspaper article we just read. I cherish moments when I can be alone with my thoughts and not worry about one single thing (I’m a stresser and worrier so trust me, if a moment like that happens it truly is something to cherish).

  • Jade Sheldon
    Posted at 16:58h, 08 December Reply

    It’s so true, the work will always be there, but other more happy moments can be fleeting: you have to snatch them up while they are there or you will be forced to miss them entirely. I cherish moments like holding hands with my sweetie as we walk up and down the aisles of the grocery store. I cherish laughing with my brother over the same newspaper article we just read. I cherish moments when I can be alone with my thoughts and not worry about one single thing (I’m a stresser and worrier so trust me, if a moment like that happens it truly is something to cherish).

  • beth
    Posted at 23:12h, 08 December Reply

    I wish fighting with my 18 year old son was considered a tiny moment….
    but this is where I also have to breathe and breathe again…..and pray….and breathe some more…….
    why must they think they’re invincible ?

    thanks for letting me vent a bit….

  • beth
    Posted at 23:12h, 08 December Reply

    I wish fighting with my 18 year old son was considered a tiny moment….
    but this is where I also have to breathe and breathe again…..and pray….and breathe some more…….
    why must they think they’re invincible ?

    thanks for letting me vent a bit….

  • Alex
    Posted at 01:55h, 10 December Reply

    Love you xo

  • Alex
    Posted at 01:55h, 10 December Reply

    Love you xo

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