photo fun times two

photo fun times two

Remember how I said I was bursting at the seams with what’s to come? Well, here’s the first of a number of awesome things that will be happening in 2012.

I’d like to announce Two Takes;  the new photo-prompt experience I am hosting along side my photographer friend and creative cohort, Bindu Wiles. Yes, both Bindu and myself will be leading this photographic adventure which means double the fun, twice the inspiration and two unique ways of seeing the world and shooting it accordingly.

The most exciting thing about Two Takes for me has been creating it with a friend. And I can think of no one I’d rathering be sharing it with than Bindu. Why? Because within our friendship, I am learning so much about myself. And isn’t that one of the marks of an invaluable connection? If you don’t know Bindu, I urge you to take a peek at her blog and read her story. My guess is you’ll love her as much as I do.

We are a self- proclaimed unlikey pair which is what makes our partnership and approach in creating Two Takes so unique and fun. I’m the Polly to her Anna. She’s the Ethel to my Lucy. She makes me laugh and cry, she challenges the way I look at things, she inspires me and she makes me want to be both a better photographer and friend. We come from totally differenent backgrounds and different walks of life, live on opposite coasts, shoot different subject matter, in different styles and yet, in all these differences, we both know through our own experiences that art saves lives and that photography can be one of the greatest mediums there is when it comes to seeking and speaking our truth.

I cannot wait to begin this fascinating, fun, courageous, curious, lively, and challening photography adventure…together.

Won’t you join us?

For all the details and how to register, please visit the Two Takes home page. 

  • rakusribut
    Posted at 10:23h, 10 March Reply

    hi tracey

    just joined your new class, and i am really excited about it
    can't wait to experience all that you and bindu have to offer :-()
    helga aka rakusribut

    Posted at 23:48h, 11 March Reply

    I'm intrigued! Off to find out more. I need a really good shot in the photography arm (and a new camera.) Any recommendations?

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