Ready for Change (and I'm not just talking politics)

Ready for Change (and I'm not just talking politics)

Hello. My name is Tracey and I am the mother of a middle-schooler.

As of yesterday anyway. Wow. It’s still so surreal—surreal and bittersweet but truthfully, more than anything I am just so excited for her—for the new chapter in her life and in mine. I have let her take the lead on this one; as I watch, wait, try to read her as she makes her way into adolescence growing and changing, becoming her own person. I am inspired by her grace.

But, growing and changing means puberty and that word can strike terror into any mother’s heart. Lucky for me, as long as I don’t say that word, talking about it isn’t as hard as I had thought. I have made a very conscious effort to act as breezy as possible about the changes that have come and those on the horizon for my daughter. Being open about own body, my cycle, etc. have made for some pretty perfect ‘teachable moments’.

For example…
What happens when you mix a trip to Disneyland, a pair of white bermudas, and a mother who is ill prepared? One of those ‘teachable moments’. My daughter swooped in to save me, in calm yet heroic fashion whipping out a quarter from her purse. Isn’t that what this is for? she said pointing to the metal box stuck to the bathroom wall. OK. She’s savvy. I’m impressed. My problem was quickly resolved with very little incident all thanks to my 10 year old. I beamed with pride.

All of this to say that despite the fact that I have been open and honest about these things, I was eager to review a DVD called “Healthy Chats for Girls – an age-appropriate sensitive-yet-fun discussion about Puberty and Growing Up” for the Parent Blogger Network. And I am glad I did.

The DVD comes in the My First Period Kit created by the kind, approachable and celebrated doctor Crystal de Freitas. Who by the way, is not only a mom to 3 kids but is a published author of books on the complex subject of our children’s sexuality. She’s an expert.

Considering the only education our young girls get about ‘coming of age’ (beyond the trash the media serves up) is the one film shown in elementary school to all 5th graders. Now, I can’t pretend to know how that info is delivered—I actually missed that day of 5th grade which I will admit is an absence of which I will never get over—I don’t think they’ve updated that film since they first created it and the fact that the film is shown in a room full of mortified and therefore giggly and chatty girls isn’t really conducive to really listening, let alone learning. That said, I am happy to have the Healthy Chats for Girls DVD to share with my daughter in the comfort of our own home, no distractions, just an authentic, easy to understand, painless “modern approach to that traditional chat between a mother and daughter”. That’s how the DVD is billed and that’s exactly what you get. Take a sneak peak if you want to see for yourself how it’s done.

I would recommend the Kit to any mother with daughters. After all, we need all the help we can get as embark on our new adventure through puberty (again). There. I said it.

  • Mia's Mama
    Posted at 12:39h, 04 September Reply

    LOVE how your daughter saved the day 🙂 Awesome!

    Since Mia is only 2 1/2, I haven’t spent much time thinking about puberty…sharing, potty training…but not puberty. When I have little thoughts of the way future (usually right before I drift off to sleep), I get little pangs of anxiety.

    Thanks for reviewing this product, and even letting us know there are such tools available. I’ll sleep much better knowing she’ll get better info than that old film 🙂

  • Krista
    Posted at 14:00h, 04 September Reply

    I’ve shared this info with my sister and sister-in-law who both have little girls. Thanks!

  • PBN
    Posted at 14:14h, 04 September Reply

    Great review. Thanks.

  • robyn
    Posted at 16:15h, 04 September Reply

    flagged this in my google reader. i remember that day so vividly, and i learned nothing more than how to embarrass the boys … say “period”.

    glad to know there’s some good options for parents out there!

  • Chris
    Posted at 16:28h, 04 September Reply

    I only have boys and I have no idea how puberty effects boys, etc. Do they go through moods swings like us? My son is a middle schooler, too and turned 12 last month. In June, HE came to ME and sat ME down and said, “Mom, I don’t want you to panic, but I’m going through puberty”. I was a little taken aback and asked him how he knew. “Well, I have underarm arm. Look”. He held up his arm to show me the one single armpit hair. He’s so darned mature sometimes. Sigh. All too fast. If I had a girl, that kit sounds awesome. I wonder if they have something like that for boys? I’ll have to check around…

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 19:03h, 04 September Reply

    It’s good to know that there is something you can get at Disneyland for a quarter. I would have lost that bet.

  • ELK
    Posted at 19:16h, 05 September Reply

    welcome to the club I’ve been a member for years now (mom of a 16 and 20 year old daughters.)

  • Maya
    Posted at 03:24h, 06 September Reply

    Oh you have sent fear down my spine…I can’t even imagine what it will be like for a boy at that age! I wonder if they make some DVD like this for them?

    Best of luck as you venture into this new stage with your daughter!

  • Andi
    Posted at 14:12h, 06 September Reply

    Your post made me feel a bit sad, since my daughter is 19, but I remember those days so vividly…I am certain that your daughter will continue throughout middle school with as much grace as she has always had! I teach middle schoolers, and my heart always reaches out to the girls who are dealing with monthly mishaps and such…they always come to me, and we work it out. The part of puberty that I stuggled the most with was the mood swings- I developed an uncanny ability to know when NOT to ask questions and to let her be just by a certain LOOK on her face, but my husband never quite was able to do that, and because of this they fought (and still fight) often! This is such a delicate time; I wish you the best! May she LOVE middle school, and may you survive these moments with smiles and love!

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