ready, set…jump!

  • xanthe
    Posted at 08:25h, 30 June Reply

    gorgeous image! can’t wait to dive in x.

  • Amanda Z from NYC
    Posted at 10:55h, 30 June Reply

    i love looking at her feet in this pic…I’m not sure why, but her feet are fantastic! 🙂

  • Jakki
    Posted at 12:57h, 30 June Reply

    the water DOES look great! makes me want to run and jump in myself, LOL

  • Aia
    Posted at 13:28h, 30 June Reply

    great jump shot! yes!!!! i’m so excited to get started 🙂

  • Debbie E
    Posted at 14:33h, 30 June Reply

    I signed up and im so excited,been waiting since may when I paid to do it,,cant believe its finally here!! yeah! Hello July and summer pictures!!!

  • Terri
    Posted at 15:59h, 30 June Reply

    I signed up yesterday! Can’t wait to get started!

  • CrystalChick
    Posted at 19:18h, 30 June Reply

    Thanks for the reminder! I signed up!! Can’t wait to be *inspired*!

  • AnnGeeDee
    Posted at 20:57h, 30 June Reply

    Looking forward to checking my inbox tomorrow morning for the first assignment. Here’s my flipside shot (under the water instead of above it- does that count?)

  • Theresa
    Posted at 03:41h, 01 July Reply

    I just signed up. never tried an online class before. looking forward to this. =)

  • kosenrufu mama
    Posted at 08:11h, 01 July Reply

    wow, this picure is amazing!!!! have a wonderful picture summer!!!

  • Clay Cook
    Posted at 03:05h, 02 July Reply

    Hey Tracey – just dropped by from Flickr.

    What a fantastic photo! We are just entering WINTER down here is Oz!
    bbbbrrrrrrr – cold.

  • Christine
    Posted at 17:22h, 05 July Reply

    What fun! 😀

  • Maile
    Posted at 19:32h, 07 July Reply

    I adore this shot. Wish I was right there!

  • Tabitha Blue
    Posted at 00:10h, 09 July Reply

    Wow, what a great shot… and it sounds like an amazing project! What fun!

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