Reflecting on my Best Shot

Reflecting on my Best Shot

As our winter vacation comes to an end and Monday marks the beginning of the normal daily routine, I’m reflecting on the past few weeks and acknowledge that the Clark family had a really nice holiday. No drama and even better, no illness. That’s huge! We also managed to cram in all sorts of very cool activities (without it feeling frenetic) and even enjoyed a few nights of grown-up time while the kids lived it up at the Grandparent’s. All in all, it was a stellar vacation.

I tucked my girls in early tonight and already I hear the deep dreamy breathing of children exhausted from a fantastic two week break from the daily hustle and bustle of school, piano, ballet, homework, volleyball, hula and girl scouts. No doubt we will all wake tomorrow bleary eyed and one step behind as we stumble back into the daily grind but I for one can’t wait to get my time back.
Big grateful exhale.

My Best Shot this week is one from the many great places we visited. There’s just something about this photo that I love. How about you? Have you had a chance to reflect on your holiday? Would you care to share a shot or two? Come on, you know you do.

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