six years

six years


She came in the dark of night after traveling long and far through low clouds and fog to join me. Strong, steady, unwavering. Through all of the layers. Through the darkness.


How did she find me? I think to myself.


I imagine there was some kind of light guiding her; a beam that pierced the shadows between us. A light from someone who already knew the way. Someone who knew where she belonged. Someone that knew what I needed; a jolt awake, transformation, a gift.


She came amidst the force of pushing and through burning pain, a sudden bursting flash of fire ignited. A blazing inferno; white hot, wild, glowing.


Six years later she is still ablaze. Mysterious and untamed, fiery and bright.


Her intensity inspires me, her flame warms me, and her beauty mesmerizes me as much today as on the night she rose up from with me, like a blazing Sun.


Happy Birthday amazing child.

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 05:08h, 13 June Reply

    Happy Birthday to our little firecracker!!

    That post was nothing less than AMAZING & that might just be my favorite one you’ve written yet!!

  • Shelly Rossiter
    Posted at 05:36h, 13 June Reply

    Beautiful Tracey. And what a beautiful girl. Can’t wait to see you both soon.

  • sandra
    Posted at 11:07h, 13 June Reply

    Happy Birthday!
    What a beautiful post…!

  • Gayle
    Posted at 12:34h, 13 June Reply

    How beautiful, Tracey! Happy Birthday to your girl!

  • Puna
    Posted at 13:15h, 13 June Reply

    Happy birthday to your beautiful child! I had tingles reading your words.

  • camerashymomma
    Posted at 14:26h, 13 June Reply

    oh dear. that photo. that light, it comes from within her for sure. beautiful words to match the beautiful memory. happy birthday to your ‘little one’ and happy birth day to you mama!

  • vivienne
    Posted at 14:57h, 13 June Reply

    happy birthday lil’ firey one! and happy mothering day to you tracey!

  • carrie
    Posted at 19:32h, 13 June Reply

    I can’t decide which is more breathtaking…the photo, the girl, or the words. And all three together…it is simply too beautiful for words.
    Wishing the happiest of birthdays to your fiery ray.

  • Cara
    Posted at 00:25h, 14 June Reply

    Beautiful, just beautiful!

  • melody
    Posted at 04:18h, 14 June Reply

    Oh my heart. Her beautiful face; your precious words.

    Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

  • elaina
    Posted at 05:34h, 14 June Reply

    Beautiful Tracey. Happy Birthday to your little girl!

  • Bridge
    Posted at 16:51h, 14 June Reply

    beautiful words for a beautiful age and a child so loved by her mother.

  • Christina
    Posted at 01:47h, 15 June Reply

    Your words are exquisite. Happy birthday to your fiery ray!

  • Mariella
    Posted at 18:01h, 17 June Reply

    The tears stream down my cheeks. Beautifully said, Tracey. My heart is so full. I will carry this goodness with me today. Thank you. Hope the birthday was full of yumminess & lots of love for you and your girl. xoxo, ~ M.

  • patience
    Posted at 04:12h, 19 June Reply

    oh tracey, what a post! pure joy and beauty, you, that sweet girl, all of it!

  • serever host
    Posted at 04:17h, 22 September Reply

    Hope the birthday was full of yumminess & lots of love for you and your girl.
    Beautiful Tracey. Happy Birthday to your little girl!

  • drm
    Posted at 05:31h, 29 September Reply

    server host
    I adore your website – nice job!

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