taking shape

taking shape

Ever since I read Kate’s post yesterday at Shutter Sisters I have been thinking about it. If my creativity could take shape this year, what would it look like.

As synchronicity would have it, that same morning I awoke to this sunrise. It literally dawned on me.

THIS is what it would look like. 

A beautiful view, breathtaking color (with no coaxing or enhancement), sublime texture and depth and despite the power lines and overgrown shrubs, it’s real, authentic and true. And is it’s friggin’ spectacular.

  • Christen
    Posted at 00:09h, 06 January Reply

    Gosh, we are blessed to live somewhere so beautiful, aren’t we?

    And I believe this is exactly what your creativity looks like, and will continue to look like. I hope I can help you make your creativity roar just like this sky.


  • kim klassen
    Posted at 01:26h, 06 January Reply

    friggin’ spectactular is RIGHT! wow… that’s amazing. truly!

  • NTE
    Posted at 03:56h, 06 January Reply

    Exactly right. What a great capture, and a great summary of what would be the essentials in being truly creative.

  • carrie
    Posted at 04:26h, 06 January Reply

    We are blessed to live here indeed! I saw a similar spectacular sunrise as we made our way back from a ridiculously cold midwest yesterday morning. But to have captured it like that…that is just breathtaking, Tracey!

  • Dawn
    Posted at 05:07h, 06 January Reply

    We have been having sunSETS like that around here….I find myself stopping and soaking it all in. Spectacular shot! 🙂

  • Robin~All Things Heart and Home
    Posted at 10:49h, 06 January Reply

    I love this. The picture of your creative shape is stunning and beautiful. Now, I’m going to think a bit more on mine…

  • xanthe
    Posted at 22:18h, 06 January Reply


  • Cara
    Posted at 20:46h, 07 January Reply

    I love the colors of the sky at sunset and sunrise. Most days I am rushing to or from work to capture it. I am going to try though.

  • Trude
    Posted at 23:25h, 12 January Reply

    So true! We had amazing mornings last week around here, didn’t we? Love your capture. Usually I’m getting ready for work at that time, but last Monday I was out having AAA change my tire – nothing so bad it’s not good for something, right? And I got this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/trudem/4247101586/

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