01 Nov Thanks for Sharing
Not only is Sheri the mama mastermind behind the latest (and coolest) photo contest out there but she is also responsible for a number of other virtual gems like Mamazine and Today is Pretty. She’s just one of those all around creative ladies who shares her talents with the world and we are better for it.
In her recent post at The Little Zygote that Could, (my Perfect Post Award nominee) I felt her ache, her longing for more. More expression, more time, more of her old life. She recognizes that both she and her artist hubby “are stuck. Seeking. Wanting. Desiring. Feeling trapped without time or money for our own creative outlets.” Sigh.
Sheri expresses a very universal dilemma among creative people that happen to be parents. I know, I’ve been there. And it’s not pretty. But, as she says in her post, she’s got no answers. And I’m not sure I have any either. Taking turns? Scheduling time? Putting it off until the kids have grown? None are ideal. But through the years I have found that subscribing to a little magic (much like her caterpillar dreams and butterflies) helps. Like, if you want it bad enough, and are willing to work together to get there, keep those stars in your eyes and breathe deep that anything is possible.
For other Perfect Post Nominees pop over to the hostesses with the mostesses (huh?) Suburban Turmoil and Petroville.
chocolate girl
Posted at 21:14h, 01 Novemberwhat a great post. i am off to read her’s as well. this is an emotion i tackle every day. i am refreshed by the honesty and relieved that i am not alone 🙂