the adventure within

the adventure within

Do you ever get that feeling that even when you’re close to home, you’re still experiencing an epic adventure? Sometimes the path leads us from here to there and even beyond anywhere we thought we’d go; like every step is new and exciting or unfamiliar and scary. That’s what I usually think of when I think about adventures. The trips, the travels, the excursions and exhilaration. Out there.

But lately I’ve been here. Right here. Sitting in my office chair with the keyboard at my fingertips for days on end and yet I have this feeling that I am in fact experiencing one of my biggest life adventures.

I’m working on a project now (a new book actually) that is already transforming me and I’ve only scratched the surface. And you know what’s totally surprising about it?  It’s leading me down a path to myself. But, oddly enough, for as familiar as it feels, I know I’ve never been here before. Not like this.

I’m chalking it up to being old enough now to be able to travel back into parts of my not so distant past with the ability to experience them in a completely different way. With more courage, more clarity, and more compassion toward myself. 

I cannot wait to reveal more about the book but for right now, I’m really enjoying the experience of being in the thick of this adventure within. 

Have you ever felt like staying close (whatever that might mean to you) is exactly the kind of adventure you needed? I would love to hear your thoughts.


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