18 Sep The Back to School Story

My preschooler.
From sad to sassy in 1 second flat.
Yes, that’s the traditional comfort necklace I make for my children each year. Last year’s model can be seen in the first day photo from last year. It’s one easy way to send a little tangible love with them to school. Plus, I’m a crafty girl that actually really enjoys making stuff like that.
Posted at 13:02h, 18 SeptemberI love that idea! I’ll have to steal the idea one day when our lil guy heads to school.
Posted at 19:20h, 20 SeptemberI actually remembered the comfort necklace from last year! However, Rachel informed me that it would make her even sadder during the day. Sigh. Your little one is just too adorable.
melody is slurping life
Posted at 20:23h, 20 SeptemberWhat a fun “comforting” idea! Completely love it, and the photos are too sweet and sassy. 🙂
4 year old Superhero
Posted at 16:14h, 25 SeptemberYou are so multi-talented! What a great idea. That’s a great photo. She sure is sassy!
//fine little day//
Posted at 13:44h, 03 OctoberI like the pics as well.