The Big and Little of Being Brave

The Big and Little of Being Brave

I had originally written the post at Shutter Sisters for this blog. It’s quite personal and so I figured sharing on my personal blog was appropriate. I was actually a little nervous about being so vulnerable by sharing such a story. But, it felt like something I had to do.

And as I read and reread it, I thought that maybe sharing it with the community at Shutter Sisters that it might strike a chord (even though it’s got nothing to do with photography!). Even that decision took a little bravery. And now, reading the comments there this morning, I am feeling like being brave is worth it.  I am again reminded that we are not alone. We are all in this together. It’s always such a comfort, isn’t it?

I would love to get your thoughts on what Playing Big means to you. Share with me here or over at Shutter Sisters. Either way, it’s brave of you to share your story.

And for more acts of bravery, don’t forget to visit the I am Enough Collaborative each week. New stories go up every Tuesday (or thereabouts) and we’ve had some awesome, brave, empowering and uplifting stories over there!

And with that, let’s see your BIG!


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