19 Nov The Biggest Year Yet
It’s been quite a year. Exciting, intense, inspiring, exhasting, but most of all, surreal. So much so that I’ve had trouble articulating it in writing. I vowed I would write and write and write some more about all of it but I just haven’t had the energy to go back, relive, excavate emotion, feel all those feelings again. It’s all still too fresh and I have only just now started to get back into a flow of normal life (our new normal, that is).
Today is my daughter’s 18th birthday. My daughter, who is 2668 miles away. Of course, I’m part heartsick about not being with her on such a milestone as this (her first birthday away from home) but I’ve spent all day with her in my heart, reflecting on the past year. I feel as if I’m standing on the other side now. I helped usher my amazing, brave, confident and competant daughter from here to there. High School to College. LA ot DC. Dependant to Independant. Child to Adult. And although it was an ecruciating process to let her go, standing where I am now I am watching her from across the miles in awe, is pretty amazing.
Seventeen was a HUGE year for all of us. I’m venturing to say, it was the biggest year yet. I can only imagine all of the amazing things that Eighteen will bring her. I know it’s going to be an incredble year for her but in such a brand new way. She really has her whole life ahead of her. Nothing feels more happy or hopeful than that.
My first born daughter has officially become an adult and I celebrate that with my whole heart. I’m also glad I can say, in the same breath, that she will ALWAYS be my baby.
Julia Isabella, here’s a little pictorial ode to 17. I can’t wait to see what magic you create for 18! Happy Birthday my dear girl. You are a wonder.
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