10 May The evolution of enough
I remember very clearly those few moments right before I had these words painted directly on my chest. Every cell in my body was heightened. There was a clenching in my stomach and a tightening all around my throat. I knew it was a huge risk to state something that held such power, such certainty, such self-assuredness. What would it mean? What would people think? Was I really so sure? Regardless the questions racing through my head, I knew that I had a chance to claim something for myself; something I desperately needed and so at that very moment—as they say—I felt the fear and did it anyway. And then in the next few hours that followed, I felt confident, sure and unshakeable. I had three little words like a shield protecting me from anything that might hurled my way at a time of such vulnerability. And I had a supportive and loving sisterhood around me. For a while I felt invincible.
That was just over two years ago. A lot can happen over two years. I’ve stretched and grown into my enoughness. I have been joined by a chorus of amazing, beautiful, diverse, courageous and strong voices. I have been questioned and pushed and yes, rattled. I have been broken down and I have been built back up. Both of my own doing and also at the hand of others. I have waxed and waned but through it all, even during my darkest nights, I come back to the three words that set me free and illuminated every part of my soul.
This place, this thing, this way of being isn’t the end of the road. The journey is long. This is a process. A practice. Or perhaps best said, an evolution. I will feel strong in the truth of my own enoughness on some days and I won’t on others. That’s OK. Because I do know that no matter what, I am who I am and I Am Enough.
It’s been quite some time since anyone has shared their story at the Self-Kindness Collaborative. It makes it that much sweeter to have a beautiful story from the amazing Meredith Winn to stoke the fires of enoughness today as we open up the doors to sharing more stories and celebrating being enough.
If you would like to share your story on the I am Enough Collaborative please send me an email. It would be an honor to hear from you. If you are here from the NOW YOU Workshop, welcome. I’m so glad you’ve come. I look forward to hearing from all of you eager to declare that you are enough. Because, you most certainly are.
Melisa Jeffers
Posted at 18:04h, 10 Maythank you for the important reminder that feeling enough is a process and it's ok to have days when we forget. i needed that.
Posted at 19:41h, 18 MayTracey, thank you for helping women everywhere reclaim that confidence. I go back to the "i am enough" blog whenever I feel shaken and need gentle reminders to see myself in a kinder light through this journey we all have to take. Love to you and your chorus of voices.
Posted at 12:09h, 24 Mayyes yes and yes.
i feel this so very much lately.
how to keep up this pace? how?
how to not sort of suck in some places and excel in others.
yes. maybe it is the carefreeness of summertime calling our names. rest it says rest.
< | The Girl Who Notices
Posted at 21:55h, 01 December[…] tell ourselves and and feel like we are truly enough through the Brave Girls Club, the fabulous Tracey Clark, and I love love love the Tiny Buddha. All of these recognize that there are so many people […]
i am enough | homemade rainbows
Posted at 02:46h, 01 March[…] am enough. I’m feeling inspired and motivated in thought by this project of Tracey Clark’s just lately, so I thought I might channel the same through some words of my […]