the purpose of play

the purpose of play

I have recently had the pleasure of doing some creative work that took me out of my own head and led my heart, right to my hands. It’s something I used to do all the time as a kid in art school. Get my hands dirty. Create stuff, get crafty, cut, paste, paint, slop, print, frame and give. I was creating tangible work that came from me (much like my photography does today) but in the end I had something to hold onto, not just a jpg.

I am not complaining. I love what I do everyday. But there was something wonderful about using these beautiful papers from Cocoa Daisy as inspiration for a photo-centric project I was asked to share this summer at Big Picture Scrapbooking. It’s was liberating and fun and challenging and easy all at the same time. I lost myself in creating something with my hands and it made me realize how much I miss it.

So, what is it? Well, this image is just part of the process. If you want the whole thing from start to finish (you know you do) then go sign up for the FREE Big Idea Festival at BPS. There are going to be some super projects offered by some super ladies, yours truly being one of them. I promise you will love the simple project. And since you can use your own images to makes something tangible, I highly recommend it.

I encourage you to get out there this weekend and use your hands in your creativity too! Build a sand castle, bead a necklace, use a needle and thread, paint, do origami, anything at all! Just lose yourself a little and I guarantee, you’ll be better off for it. Just remember to let yourself enjoy without judgement. Be kind to yourself and create some magic!

  • Aia
    Posted at 11:20h, 09 July Reply

    i’m very excited for this class too!

  • Bren
    Posted at 05:45h, 11 July Reply

    Looking forward to a rainy day so I can pull out my box of scrapin’ papers and photos of the kids. I am so behind with my photo albums. Wonderful share – thank you for inspiring me as always!

  • jacqueline
    Posted at 02:51h, 15 July Reply

    I am so in love with your gorgeous photos! I can’t take my eyes off this one and i just love the way you show case your creativity. I am sooo HAPPY i came by to visit you today because im really interested in this FREE Big Idea Festival!! Yes you do knwo i want it. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing it with us! YOu are truely inspiring!

  • Jennifer Camplin
    Posted at 19:35h, 13 August Reply

    Definitely fun classes to take each day.

    My main question.. Where do I find yesterday project that I missed. and confusing where find them.
    Please reply with the lead where find them.

    Many thanks!

    Posted at 17:40h, 20 July Reply

    freelance writer

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