The Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift

An amazing group of my mom friends have come together to provide some relief for a needy family this season through Heifer International. I find the gesture particularly moving; providing families a way to sustain their households by giving them something as valuable as livestock which provides a long term solution instead of short term relief. Heifer Internationals mission is inspiring, ingenious and successful.

I have decided to have a Heifer campaign here and post about it at my many online homes and see what comes of it. One thing I’ve learned is that a blog is a great place to bring awareness to good causes and there are plenty of them. Heifer International is the one I’m choosing to support this season. Check out the my new button over there (in the right sidebar) with my fundraising meter. It’s oh so exciting as I have never had a direct fundraising effort on my blog before. If you are looking to give a little something extra this year, I encourage you visit my fundraising page. If we reach the $500 mark, we can provide this for someone who could really use it. And even if we just gather a fraction of it, we can still help by providing this, this or this. Sweet.

Soon, there will be another good cause to share as the compassionate people behind it, but for today, read all about the lives that have been changed by one Heifer cow. And if you’re inspired, blog about it.
  • Left-handed Trees...
    Posted at 11:05h, 11 December Reply

    This is a project my daughter has been involved with in the past–such a rewarding and meaningful gift! I admire you for sharing about it here…

  • MotherPie
    Posted at 12:56h, 11 December Reply

    My daughter has volunteered for this project in high school and in college, too.

    It is a worthy cause.

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 19:51h, 11 December Reply

    There are so many great organizations out there – Thanks for bringing this one to the forefront! I went online and made my donation!

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 00:01h, 14 December Reply

    Thanks for reminding us, what this season (& life) is really all about: GIVING OF OURSELVES! I made a donation & I am emailing EVERYONE I know to contribute something!
    We are BLESSED to BLESS others!!

    See Ya Saturday!!!!

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