the wonder of letting go

the wonder of letting go

2009 was a year of big moments. 2010 has been the year of the transformation that’s followed; a daily practice of a new way of being. More gratitude, more joy, more wonder, more calm, more contentment, and more clarity. With all that has come a lot of letting go. Of old beliefs, old patterns, and old ways of thinking. 

So much has shifted in the last year it’s staggering really and yet it’s all happened rather slowly and quietly. You see, it might not seem like such a big deal from the outside looking in but I know that from the inside, everything looks different, in the best possible way.

Photo and post inspired by prompts #4 (wonder by Jeffrey Davis) & #5 (letting go by Alice Bradley) of Reverb10.

Have you let go of anything that has made a difference in your life?

  • diane herman
    Posted at 11:00h, 05 December Reply

    i think 2001 will be my year of transformation…I am going to make my mental and physical health a big priority…i can wait …

  • diane herman
    Posted at 11:01h, 05 December Reply

    ops…2011…not 2001

  • Cassie
    Posted at 14:27h, 05 December Reply

    What a perfect photo notion of letting go— such beauty and easy breathing and release.

  • Ken
    Posted at 14:29h, 05 December Reply

    Change is like that, isn't it? It sneaks up on you when you keep showing up.

  • bonnierose
    Posted at 15:31h, 05 December Reply
  • Nancy
    Posted at 16:21h, 05 December Reply

    Gorgeous photo, Tracey!!!

  • jsteck
    Posted at 17:27h, 05 December Reply

    Beautiful shot, Tracey. My goal for next year is to let go and choose happiness.

  • wholly jeanne
    Posted at 17:59h, 05 December Reply

    wonder is an inside job. so's shifting into new ways of being. what a lovely, soothing post. it's one of those that begs me to say thank you.

  • Roxanne
    Posted at 18:03h, 05 December Reply

    The photo is truly magical.

  • Amy Oscar
    Posted at 18:13h, 05 December Reply

    Absolutely beautiful post – and blog. So glad I found you.

  • Liz
    Posted at 18:15h, 05 December Reply


  • Eva
    Posted at 18:16h, 05 December Reply

    What a wonderful picture!

  • Lindsey
    Posted at 18:20h, 05 December Reply

    Beautiful … this post, your words, the photo, just make me sigh in a soul-deep kind of way. xox

  • darrah parker
    Posted at 18:48h, 05 December Reply

    This photo is breathtaking, Tracey. I've been working on this "letting go" thing and think that this next year will be focused on many of the things you mentioned: "More gratitude, more joy, more wonder, more calm, more contentment, and more clarity." I think the more I focus on the first one (gratitude), the more likely the others will be to follow.

  • Jill
    Posted at 22:56h, 05 December Reply

    Thanks for the inspiration, Tracey! I was a little hesitant about joining Reverb10, but after reading this post, I decided that it is just what I need to get things moving on the right track for 2011.

  • Boston Mamas
    Posted at 02:15h, 06 December Reply

    Having only recently connected with you, it's hard to imagine you with less gratitude, joy, wonder, calm, contentment, and clarity than you have at present, but I'll take your word for it. xoxo

  • Abigail
    Posted at 07:18h, 06 December Reply

    Stumbled up on your beauty..BLOG
    LoVe iT herE.

    This photograph captureS me!

  • jill conyers
    Posted at 10:29h, 06 December Reply

    My #reverb10 | let go is here

    Life…as I see it

  • Lindsey (aka modchik)
    Posted at 06:34h, 08 December Reply

    the picture is truly one of my favorites of yours – so many things are pointing me in the same direction I am right behind you as I enter the "transformation" stage. Deep breaths and long pauses. Thankful for finding inspiration like your work.

  • Mary
    Posted at 19:05h, 11 December Reply


    I am so grateful that I found your blog last year. Between here and the Shutter Sisters blog, I am constantly being fed a ton of amazing inspiration and motivation that encourages me to blog, write and take pictures.

    I've learned to let go of my own (and others) expectations for how it was thought my life should turn out. I've replaced those expectations with hopes and goals, so that I may still plan for my future but in doing so make sure that there is also room for the unexpected.

    If you plan for the future but expect no more than the unexpected, then you may often find yourself pleasantly surprised. This year was full of some pretty wonderful surprises. (

  • Michelle McGee
    Posted at 03:32h, 12 December Reply

    I decided this past week to let go of something – a past scar on my creative soul, that put an end to my love to draw. A person I loved redrew part of a self-portrait that I had labored over and given to him as a gift. I found it under his bed with the mouth erased because, in his words, he felt he could "draw it better". I stopped drawing after that. That was 22 years ago. Today, I pulled out a sketchbook and some colored pencils. And although I haven't used them just yet, I will. I have decided to let go and be who I am meant to be.

    Beautiful post.

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