there are no accidents

there are no accidents

I know in my heart that everything always unfolds as it should. But that certainly doesn’t mean that some days aren’t cloudy and unclear. I guess that’s when our beliefs, our faith is truly tested. It’s easy to feel hopeful when you’re basking in the warmth of the sun. It’s not so easy when you’re in the shadows; sun blotted out by inclement weather. And that’s precisely when you need hope the most.

Sometimes I make my way through a day and forget to look for the signs; the little glimmers of beauty, joy and love that make life sweet regardless of circumstances. For the most part, I use my lens to distill these little gems that are easily overlooked and that brings me clarity sometimes when I am feeling most lost. But even still, it doesn’t always come easy.

A few days ago the only thing I could do was to take off my shoes and go ground myself in the backyard (one of my little sanctuaries). I sat in the sun, felt the earth under me and the air on my skin. My new BFF followed me out and sat with me. And just then, when I wasn’t even looking for a message, there it was. I’m not sure if it’s as obvious to you, but I see doggie legs creating a perfect heart. It might be a stretch but I’ll take it.

It’s Best Shot Monday so let’s see what you captured.

  • Joanna
    Posted at 05:14h, 18 May Reply

    I too believe that everything happens for a reason and Junie was definately meant to be yours. WOW Tracey! I adore this picture.

    My BSM is The light at the end of the tunnel.

  • golightly
    Posted at 07:01h, 18 May Reply

    Tracey, I love the way you view the world. How about that shaker tonight, eh? Knocked things down over here.
    But that’s not the only thing that bugged us today.

  • Jaimee
    Posted at 07:02h, 18 May Reply

    I see a perfect heart too! So sweet!

    I’m finally joining in again this week with pictures of my new nephew!

    baby ethan.

  • Chris
    Posted at 08:08h, 18 May Reply

    That’s no stretch, I see your heart my friend, plain and clear. And I see the doggie heart, too. 😉

  • Jo
    Posted at 08:29h, 18 May Reply

    I think this may just be the most beautiful photo ever! I’m off to catch a moment for my BSM.

  • elk
    Posted at 10:34h, 18 May Reply

    yes i see it and i know it well..pets have such a sweet power

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 12:08h, 18 May Reply

    I admire your vision. It’s not always easy to see the beauty, let alone go looking for it. But it’s almost always there. Thanks for the reminder!

    Here is my best shot for this week. My baby really isn’t a baby anymore, is she?

  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 12:22h, 18 May Reply

    That is not a stretch. That is obvious love there.

    Obvious beauty here, but I may be biased. My Best Shot

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 12:26h, 18 May Reply

    Sometimes my Best Shots of the week are nothing thoughtful, or beautiful.
    Just a new way of looking at something, or a cool shot of the ordinary.

    Here is my BSM for this week.

    And Thank you Trace for yours!

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 12:30h, 18 May Reply

    Isn’t it funny how we find love in the places we least expect?

    We spent some time outdoors this week too.

  • Christina
    Posted at 12:33h, 18 May Reply

    I’m struggling too right now with the idea that everything unfolds the way it’s supposed to. Sometimes life seems…bleak.

    But for today, I have a tribute to my best gal.

  • Gayle
    Posted at 13:26h, 18 May Reply

    There is something especially sweet about the love of your dog! Your photo is wonderful!

  • Carmen Torbus
    Posted at 13:30h, 18 May Reply

    What I love is that the messages are almost always there…. but we miss them if we’re not open to seeing them. I love your sweet puppy heart. ♥♥♥

  • Andree
    Posted at 13:55h, 18 May Reply

    I’m looking hard these days for the joy in little things….

    Window onto Monday

    is there a better way to start the week?

  • Berta
    Posted at 14:19h, 18 May Reply

    I think we’d be SURPRISED how many LITTLE things slip by us when we’re NOT paying attention to the LITTLE THINGS!

  • Farmer Gal
    Posted at 14:27h, 18 May Reply

    Good morning! I’m reading back on a few previous posts… ‘In Passing’ is so thought provoking, and I love the one about your friend. Thanks for those.

    I’ve been busy with my camera this week. Every day brings forth even brighter and happier signs of spring and the summer that lies just ahead.

  • Suz Broughton
    Posted at 14:38h, 18 May Reply

    My best shot this week comes from our girls’ trip away.

    "Palm Springs Weekend."

    Thanks, Suz

  • megan
    Posted at 14:46h, 18 May Reply

    finding love everywhere; now that’s a nice monday morning !

    Beach BSM

  • IE Mommy
    Posted at 15:05h, 18 May Reply

    I see it! Great shot and thoughts. I invite you over to see how fast is too fast.

    The IE Mommy

  • Jen
    Posted at 15:10h, 18 May Reply

    It’s amazing what you see when you just take a minute to look. My backyard is my sanctuary too.
    Here’s mine:

  • carrie
    Posted at 15:15h, 18 May Reply

    Oh I see it! How perfect that it just appeared when you least expect it!
    My Best Shot this week also catpures my Best Moment of last week…watching my daughter define Grace.

  • Puna
    Posted at 15:23h, 18 May Reply

    Your words are just beautiful. A wonderful reminder to accept and to be.


  • Heather
    Posted at 16:40h, 18 May Reply

    love this shot esp. because I’m really pining for a dog these days for the simple, honest love they offer.
    my oldest had her horse show yesterday and I’m sharing a shot of her and her most beloved four-legged friend.

  • Amber
    Posted at 16:48h, 18 May Reply

    I see the heart!

    And I also find standing barefoot on the back yard grass to be very grounding. There’s something about being in physical contact with the earth that just helps, I’m not always sure how.

  • Cara
    Posted at 17:28h, 18 May Reply

    I love this shot, so amazing Tracey. I like how you take the everyday and look at it with a different eye.
    It’s been a little crazy over here at I Miei Due Bambini.

  • Vanessa
    Posted at 17:49h, 18 May Reply

    oh yes, there’s definitely a little heart in there. and that little tuft of hair in the middle is too cute!

    i’ve been working a little too much these last few weeks and, though i’ve been glad to get out and have fun whenever a free slot presented itself, i’ve missed getting to save up some of my free time to just chill… to lose myself in a moment like this one, only longer 😉

  • Wanda
    Posted at 17:53h, 18 May Reply

    Ha! That’s wonderful.

  • NTE
    Posted at 18:44h, 18 May Reply

    It might be a stretch, but I see it too. And I could certainly use it today.

    Here’s another sign: my Best Shot

  • mrs. e
    Posted at 18:55h, 18 May Reply

    What a great shot…and your words are so true! Here’s my best shot from the week:

  • jenB
    Posted at 19:12h, 18 May Reply
  • Leslie
    Posted at 19:31h, 18 May Reply

    What a perfect capture of your furry friend’s loyal and leisurely posture. I feel I can almost hear a happy panting…
    I was so happy to be outside under a clear sky this weekend.

  • MarriedToTheArmy
    Posted at 19:56h, 18 May Reply

    Wow, great shot! I love not-sotypical angles and views of ordinary things, just like the picture I used. Here is my entry for BSM

  • killlashandra
    Posted at 21:25h, 18 May Reply

    Wonderful shot! I’d say the heart was definitely meant for you what a great thing to see when feeling a little down.

    Although I didn’t take this picture, there are never very many pregnant pictures so here is one from another office shower.

  • Hayley
    Posted at 00:41h, 19 May Reply

    You are so right–there are no accidents! But, sometimes you have to work for them. This week,

    I got morning time,
    I got treasure,
    I got belly laugh,
    Who could ask for anything more?!

  • Brené
    Posted at 02:12h, 19 May Reply

    Dog hearts are the best! And, I so understand that space you’re so beautifully describing! My BSM is Charlie and Joy! Spread the Word.

  • melody
    Posted at 03:25h, 19 May Reply

    Sure I see the heart. Grab onto all bits of hope you see.

    Nothing like posting you BSM right after midnight and not linking til almost the following midnight. geez

    It’s here

    as long as he’s happy

  • karen
    Posted at 17:18h, 20 May Reply – here’s a 33 year old Polaroid and a shot of my new Townie, my new "mobile" sanctuary 😉 … it’s the best therapy for a tuckered out soul. love your photo! fresh cool tender blades of grass and your BFF – who could ask for more?

  • shelley
    Posted at 07:41h, 21 May Reply

    what the world needs now is love sweet love
    it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…
    thanks to junie for the puppy love.

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