things I’m excited about

things I’m excited about


I have written a million blog posts in my mind over the past few weeks. About what’s been happening with me. About my thoughts and musings on a number of different things. About projects and people and politics and photography. Alas, time seems to be moving faster than ever and I just can’t seem to get it down on paper, er, blog post.

Because my list is growing every day, it’s time I just share a simple list of all the things I’m excited about. That way, I get all the good stuff out there. Good begets good and we can always use more good. Am I right?

So here goes…my list of things I’m excited about (written in no particular order):

Shot@Life : My family and I are thrilled to be champions for this critical campaign. You’ll be hearing much more from me on this as we approach World Immunization Week. For now, please visit the website and take the pledge to join me in supporting a cause focused on giving all kids a shot at a healthy life! Photo featured above was from our trip to Washington DC with the United Nations Foundation learning about the campaign. What a trip!

Shutter Sisters Oasis : Registration is open for our next Shutter Sisters event. Seriously, I can not wait until October. I hope you can join us!

Picture Black and White : I’m leading another class in the Picture Series at Big Picture Classes in May! I am super excited. It’s been a while! It’s a 30 prompt/60 day class and a percentage of the registration fee goes to benefit the Shot @ Life campaign!

Picture Color (self-paced) : Happy to announce that Picture Color is now being offered as a self-paced class. You can sign up anytime and start receiving daily prompts of colorful goodness. A great way to spend the spring with your camera.

Two Takes: This class I’ve been teaching with Bindu Wiles has been inspiring and enlightening. To share the process of not only presenting the prompts but also playing along with an intimate group of stellar women has been awesome. I have been loving it. (registration in now closed)

Spring Break in Mexico : Our annual trip to beautiful Baja Mexico is coming soon. The whole family is counting down the days.

Mirror Mirror : Awesome movie (just read my story at Disney Sisters). Super-fun Red Carpet premiere. Totally love that I had no idea at the time of seeing the film that an old friend of mine produced it. Hello. How hilarious and awesome is that?

Sierra : My new favorite Instagram edit.

Peanut Butter Cheerios : I am in love. For real.

How about you? Have you got your own list of what you’re excited about? I’d love to hear all about it!

  • Trude
    Posted at 15:52h, 03 April Reply

    Oooo I'm jealous of your upcoming getaway! Fingers crossed the weather is perfect. 🙂 I like to keep a running list of what's making me happy too, right now it includes all the jasmine and orange blossoms that are blooming, longer days, learning more about cooking (finally), and the 35mm lens I rented and fell in love with.

  • Harry
    Posted at 14:03h, 12 April Reply

    Any skiing, biking, ok, any outdoor adventure!
    Watershed Photo Project – following a creek with camera for 10km.
    Baby son (and lovely wife).
    Fun film cameras.

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