Waiting for the Harvest of Our Dreams

Waiting for the Harvest of Our Dreams


We plant Seeds. We till and mulch and water. We nurture and wait knowing that if we take proper care that the seed will grow. We trust. We are patient. The work below the surface is happening; we know it is just as it has been proven to us time and time again, without ever seeing it. We never question. We just tend to it. And wait patiently.

So what about the Seeds of our Dreams? We plant and nurture and wait. But too often we don’t trust the work that is happening under the surface. The magic can’t always be seen but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. The waiting leads to wondering which leads to questioning and doubting. We forget that waiting is an essential part of the process.

After we plant the Seeds of our gardens there is waiting. And waiting. And we never once wonder, what if? Or Is it working? Or Will I have tomatoes red, ripe and juicy at the harvest? Of course we will. We always do. When the Seeds of our Dreams are working and growing in ways unseen by our own eyes, why do we wonder and fret that maybe our dreams won’t come into fruition? Do we not have faith in our own Dreams, our own growth process like we do in our garden?

It’s a slow process watching our fruits and vegetables gain momentum from unassuming seed, to tiny promising sprig, to thriving vine to precious new flower to budding fruit to ripe and juicy bountiful gifts. And amidst this process we carry on with our daily lives. We wash dishes and linens. We prepare our kitchen and set the table. We pour over recipes, plan our meals, and look forward to the feast. And what about our Dreams? Instead of carrying on from a place of eager anticipation of the goodness to come, we wring our hands, discount and distrust the growing process. We water one day and parch the soil the next out of fear and uncertainty. We are afraid to hope. Afraid to put our energy and work into something that might not bloom. What if our dreams don’t thrive? we worry.

What would happen if we deliberately choose to leave to questioning behind? What if it isn’t a matter of IF they will grow but rather WHEN they will grow? As our Dream Seeds begin to grow, sight unseen, what if we choose not to worry and wonder? What if we just use the waiting time to prepare?

As my recently planted Dream Seeds lay quietly sit beneath the surface of my life, they are working, silently but steadily gaining their own momentum. I am nurturing them tenderly as I know that my faithful unwavering practice will eventually lead to a harvest. There is nothing I can do to speed the process so instead, as I hold in my heart excitement for the fruition of my Dreams, as my mouth waters in anticipation of the juicy adventures that are the horizon, I will prepare. I will ready my heart and soul. I will wash the dishes and do the laundry. I will take the time to tidy my home honoring what is to come. I will wake each morning to my watering can and tend to my Dreams but I will not rush them. And I certainly will not doubt them. I will be patient and approach each day knowing that I don’t have much time to until my Dreams are ripe on the vine. I want to be ready for the harvest; to have much of the work out of the way so that when my Dreams are ready I will be too.

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 17:53h, 15 March Reply

    Tracey, sometimes I swear you live within my heart. You’ve clarified the impatient longing that has been flowing through me…given pause to all I’ve been fretting over and hoping for while I’ve had to be "away"…made me realize being "away" has served a deep purpose.

    Never stop inspiring us, K?

  • Chris
    Posted at 18:17h, 15 March Reply

    This has been on my mind lately. You know when you get that feeling that something good can be yours if you just ‘plant those seeds’ and wait to see what grows? I’m there right now…I’ve planted a few seeds here and there, I’m doing my research and waiting to see what will ‘bloom’. Thank you my friend for such a great post. Love ya!

  • Gayle
    Posted at 02:44h, 16 March Reply

    Tracey, thank you for this post. You are a very wise woman!

  • Christina
    Posted at 02:50h, 16 March Reply

    Tracey, you speak to my heart so profoundly here. Thank you for this. You are an inspiration!

  • gypsy alex
    Posted at 10:43h, 16 March Reply

    I love this post, Tracey! I recently was talking to friend about this exact thing and how process is less respected than results. The harvest is a great analogy ~ your words are beautiful! xoox

  • Andrea
    Posted at 13:34h, 16 March Reply

    Wonderful post, as always. You ARE an inspiration.

  • Ali
    Posted at 14:04h, 16 March Reply

    Love this.

  • jen.lemen@gmail.com
    Posted at 19:24h, 16 March Reply

    girl. this is magic.
    thank you
    thank you
    thank you

  • Farmer Gal
    Posted at 03:34h, 18 March Reply

    Thank you for those beautiful and uplifting words.

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