wake up your life

wake up your life

 When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is  to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelius 

As my days sometimes begin earlier than the sun (thanks to our small furry friend) I vow to use the moments for gratitude. For appreciating my life and what surrounds me. I am thankful to see the first light of morning and I hold with me all the possibilities that the day carries. It’s not always easy (when there are dirty dishes in the sink, when the milk has curdled and when my list of responsibilities feels unsurmountable) yet, I know it is the best way to start the day.

Capturing quiet beauty in the wee hours of morning can bring my heart and soul right where it needs to be as I gently wake up my life.

What sorts of captures have brought you to the places you long and love to be? Share a Best Shot.

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 14:00h, 27 April Reply

    Isn’t life great when you can stop and appreciate the smaller things? Lovely!

    Here is my Monday morning offering. Thank heavens for small blessings.

  • carrie
    Posted at 14:11h, 27 April Reply

    Oh, the bokeh, the beauty. That is a beautiful photo for this Monday morning, Tracey.
    I’m celebrating my Tiny Tyke today.

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 14:25h, 27 April Reply

    I just wrote up my BSM post asking how people capture such pretty bokeh sparkle, and I pop on over here and you’re featuring it in your BSM. How’s that for coincidence? 🙂

    I’m going with a nature/train configuration for my shot this week.

  • megan
    Posted at 14:36h, 27 April Reply

    mine’s not quite so quiet 🙂
    weekend baseball

  • Christina
    Posted at 15:08h, 27 April Reply

    You have such a way with photos and words, and marrying the two so beautifully.

    I am learning from my daughter – again.

  • Sarah
    Posted at 15:13h, 27 April Reply

    I captured a few pictures of my big boy doing some carpentry work. He was "helping" both of his grandfathers build a workbench for Daddy 🙂


  • phyllis
    Posted at 15:19h, 27 April Reply

    beautiful, tracey, just beautiful.

    my little early risers are here:

  • phyllis
    Posted at 15:19h, 27 April Reply
  • IE Mommy
    Posted at 15:23h, 27 April Reply

    This is my first time participating in "Best Shot Monday"…I invite you over to see The Middle of Peace at The IE Mommy

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 15:26h, 27 April Reply

    This image is a shot of "om" for me this morning. Thank you.

    As is often the case I’m letting my boys teach me and offering a bit of motherly wisdom for those who haven’t yet traveled the road as long as I.


  • Dawn
    Posted at 15:29h, 27 April Reply

    Those are wonderful setiments…..I think I will print that and post on my desk….it’s just what I need to hear~
    Sometimes I am too consumed with what needs to get done to step back and just breathe, thank you!

    My Best Shot is of me, the kids and two celebs!Taken by a friend….fun times!!

    Have a wonderful week!

  • arizaphale
    Posted at 15:41h, 27 April Reply

    That shot has a wonderfully relaxing feel. Something I could do with having just gone back to work 🙁

    Here’s the best of my recent holiday.


  • arizaphale
    Posted at 15:43h, 27 April Reply
  • arizaphale
    Posted at 15:44h, 27 April Reply

    Hooray! I figured out where I was going wrong! Finally!!!!

  • Life in Eden
    Posted at 15:56h, 27 April Reply

    I wish I could spend my day this way … http://lifeineden.wordpress.com/2009/04/27/sun-bath/

  • Life in Eden
    Posted at 15:57h, 27 April Reply

    Let me try that again! This is how I’d like to spend my day …

  • Life in Eden
    Posted at 15:58h, 27 April Reply

    Okay, I’m stumped why it won’t show the link! Sorry for all the comments.

  • Chris
    Posted at 16:03h, 27 April Reply

    I got to spend the evening with Amy Krouse Rosenthal last night and it was wonderful!

  • Chris
    Posted at 16:05h, 27 April Reply

    Not sure why the above link does’t let you click on it? Sorry, you’ll have to copy and past I guess.

  • Mariella
    Posted at 16:05h, 27 April Reply

    Lovely. Yes, what a privilege (love that quote!). xoxo, ~ M.

  • Secret Agent Mama
    Posted at 16:21h, 27 April Reply

    Oh, I absolutely beautiful!

  • Secret Agent Mama
    Posted at 16:24h, 27 April Reply

    Ummmm I meant It’s absolutely beautiful!

  • Joanna
    Posted at 16:32h, 27 April Reply

    Oooo….I love that quote. What a great start to the day!

    The Good News and The Bad News.

  • nina
    Posted at 16:55h, 27 April Reply

    Here’s mine:

    around the yard

  • Suz Broughton
    Posted at 17:15h, 27 April Reply

    Beautiful, simple shot. So peaceful.
    I submitted "We just keep on dreaming." A picture of my friend Marcy and I from Disneyland.

  • Maegan
    Posted at 17:52h, 27 April Reply

    Our weekend was full of simply beautiful moments that filled me with gratitude for the blessings in my life!


    Happy Monday!

  • Tanya
    Posted at 17:55h, 27 April Reply

    this is bad, but my best mornings were when I used to smoke. I’d grab my chai, cigarette and a lighter, go out on the back porch at marvel at the sunrise. Since I quit smoking, I haven’t gone out back once…not a single sunrise…and it’s been well over a year. Tomorrow, it’ll be me, my chai and the brillance of the start of the new day 🙂

    My sweet little girl and a big feeling: The Bilibo

  • Heather
    Posted at 18:14h, 27 April Reply

    unusually warm April days like today make me long for Summer. Can’t say my best shots today were that quiet and reflective, but certainly full of joy (and ice cream!) My best shots for today

    That shot sure says morning to me–love the magical quality of the bokeh. I’m no morning person, but I suppose if I had a furry friend to greet the day with, I would do well to use the time in such a thoughtful way. Our days begin far too loudly for that right now…

  • Puna
    Posted at 18:44h, 27 April Reply

    Today I’m sharing a lucky day/best shot Monday.

    Lucky Monday

  • Andrea
    Posted at 18:52h, 27 April Reply

    Am really loving the bokeh you are getting so much of these days.

    Here are some of my favorite shots from last week.

  • Mandy
    Posted at 19:56h, 27 April Reply

    I love and long to be exactly where I am. But it doesn’t hurt to be in a beautiful, exotic location as well…..

    Glad to be home

    Thanks for the beautful prompt, Tracey, and reminding us to stay in the now.

  • Rebecca
    Posted at 20:49h, 27 April Reply

    That is a beautiful shot Tracey. Love everything about it. Peaceful, color, brokeh, and light!! Here is my best shot monday. Click on my name.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 22:19h, 27 April Reply

    Those are beautiful words to live by, and a gorgeous photograph to inspire it. I really admire the fresh green paired with the violet rainbow of bokeh behind it. We were happy and lucky to wake up to a warm, sunny day to spend outside.

  • Sassy
    Posted at 22:43h, 27 April Reply

    We have spent the past 3 weeks celebrating Fiesta. This week, my contribution is Battle of the Flowers

    Not necessarily serene, but certainly celebratory!

  • Berta
    Posted at 01:21h, 28 April Reply

    I must be the LAST PERSON entering today! I am ‘out of town’ and having a hard time loading my pics on ‘this’ computer! This is a fun assignment for as I’ve been LOCKED in winter for so long! I traveled 350 miles south of where I live and here I found ‘SPRING’!

    Beautiful post!

  • Berta
    Posted at 01:40h, 28 April Reply

    I’ve tried posting this (3) times and it disappears! I’ll try again! Loved looking for the MAGIC today – I think I found some!

  • Hayley
    Posted at 04:29h, 28 April Reply

    Tracey. Thank you for this post. This one really caused me to think and decide how I wanted to go forward as I Wake up a Life that is very much in need of waking up…even if I think I am only waking to a nightmare sometimes. After giving it much thought, I am certain there is possibility… You may find me at http://www.whenigrow.blogspot.com. This post definitely helped me to grow today. Again, thank you!

  • Cara
    Posted at 06:19h, 28 April Reply

    I love to be with my boys. I love the perspective of the photo.

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 07:09h, 28 April Reply

    I LOVE to be ANYWHERE, as long as it’s in HER PRESENCE:

  • Shelly @ Aperture of My Eye
    Posted at 12:47h, 28 April Reply

    Great shot, Tracey! Here’s my shot for this week’s BSM.

  • Plegmelaype
    Posted at 01:27h, 01 October Reply

    I’m shoked! I see in google.com

  • AcostaRosa25
    Posted at 08:17h, 01 March Reply

    Different people in every country get the personal loans in different banks, because this is easy.

  • Cruz25Aline
    Posted at 09:14h, 17 May Reply

    Different people all over the world get the home loans in various creditors, just because that’s comfortable.

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