What I Know About Being Strong

There is Always Strength in Love - Tracey Clark

What I Know About Being Strong

There is Always Strength in Love - Tracey ClarkThere’s a lot of talk these days about raising strong girls. As a mother of 2 daughters, I’m doing my best to walk my own talk every single day. That said, I’m confident that anyone doing the same would agree, it has its challenges. When they’re young and they’re sassy-strong, it can be exhausting. As they get older, and they’re too-smart-for-their-own-good strong it can be agonizing. But there may come a day when your young adult daughter looks at you with all that strength you’ve helped to foster within her for so many years and with all the wisdom of the ages, speaks a truth more poignant and powerful than anything you’ve ever heard at exactly the right time.

I vividly remember coming away from a work meeting that my daughter and I attended together, my gut clenched and my throat tight. Unfortunately, it was a demoralizing meeting for me and I walked out feeling small, vulnerable, and tender. We sat quietly on the car ride how for quite some time before she broke the silence with a desperate urgency in her voice, “That wasn’t right, mom. And it’s not OK.” She stared at me from the passenger seat waiting for my response as tears streamed down my face. I knew that what she was saying was true. Because she witnessed it. How I was being treated wasn’t right. And it wasn’t OK.

I’m not going to lie. Having my daughter watch me being hurt like that was really hard. Hearing her call it out was even harder. Mostly because it should have been me who articulated what wasn’t right or OK for me. I wish I had been able to show her what it looked like to be strong; to question what was happening, to stand up for myself, to use my voice to push back. I would have much preferred showing her an example of my own strength, especially on my own behalf. Instead it was she who recognized it, felt it, and with great strength, spoke it to me. For me.

Thoughts and feelings about that day (and the days that followed) get stirred up again sometimes. Thankfully, I’m long past it now, grateful for where I am, and especially for where I’m not. Looking back, I’m really glad that my daughter WAS there with me, in that meeting. And I’m proud that she was strong enough to both recognize what was wrong to say something about it. It was a surreal moment, having my daughter stand up for me and knowing more than anything she wanted me to stand up for myself. What I realize most of all was that her speaking the truth that day wasn’t just an act of strength; it was an act of love.

And here’s what I know —now more than ever—about being strong; there is not always love in strength. But there is always strength in love.

I hope that truth never gets lost as we raise more and more strong girls.

  • Tracie West
    Posted at 15:32h, 30 April Reply

    How beautiful your mama heart is and this story is so touching and very relatable as my daughter just turned 16 and we have had similar situations. This story shows me exactly what an amazing human mom you are with strong and loving girls. I believe your vulnerability is a gift for them to see as well. What you say about “there is not always love in strength but there is always strength in love,” LOVE THAT! Thank you for sharing your heart. In fact if you don’t mind, I may hang a little heart at my doors window. I love that too. – Tracie West

    • Tracey
      Posted at 19:44h, 30 April Reply

      Thank you, Tracie. Your kind words mean so much to me. I’m glad we’ve got each other in this. And yes to hanging hearts in the window. xo

  • Lash LaRue
    Posted at 19:20h, 30 April Reply

    Your story takes my breath away.

    • Tracey
      Posted at 19:45h, 30 April Reply

      Lash, that means the world to me. Thank you for always being so kind and supportive. You’re a true gem.

  • Vikki Spencer
    Posted at 19:42h, 30 April Reply

    HOLY CANOLI – this is beautiful and brave, wrenching and heartfelt. Maybe the days they realize how himan we are matter the most. Thank you so much for hitting “publish”. Much love to you momma.

    • Tracey
      Posted at 20:30h, 30 April Reply

      Well said, mama. Thank you so deeply for that. xo

  • Christine Harris
    Posted at 07:34h, 27 September Reply

    I’m coming to this late, but also having 2 grown daughters, this post got my attention. Your daughter’s reaction affirms the lessons you modeled and instilled in her. This one is especially important as you showed her that it’s not always easy to stand up for yourself and sometimes can’t. Naturally want to spare our children from suffering the mistakes we made, but they have to learn too. You demonstrated that oh so important process Here’s to strong girls. xoxo

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