A Giveaway with Heart

A Giveaway with Heart

Finally, the “story” that I mentioned in my last post. Ready?

OK. At this point, everyone knows I’m wild for Nintendo. My family loves the Wii, of course. And my girls have the DS Lite handheld numbers as well. More love. You’ve seen pictures and have heard stories already I know, but wait…there’s more.

Right before Christmas Nintendo threw my daughter and a bunch her friends an all girl, Dazzling Pokemon Spa Party. I know what you are thinking. How can Pokemon and Spa be used in the same sentence? Well, the answer to that makes perfect sense if you think about it from a clever marketing perspective. When gather a gaggle of 10-year-old girls together, hand them Pink DS Lites pre-loaded with dazzling games to play (the Pearl and the Diamond versions of Pokemon), sit them down comfortably on a big sofa and give them sparkle hair dos and ice cream pedicures well, then you‘ve got yourself a houseful of very happy (not to mention busy and beautiful) little girls. The moms we’re not overlooked either, oh no! We were encouraged to slip away to a quiet upstairs bedroom for a chair massage. Hello! Talk about needing to decompress–it was only a few days before Christmas so a little relaxation was welcomed, to say the least. The party was over the top awesome and everyone undisputedly had a blast.

The festivities of the evening were beyond generous enough but it gets better: Nintendo left us with an enormous goody bag full of party favors. And guess what I get to do with it? I get to GIVE AWAY THE GOODS!

So, here’s the deal—I’ve got a few Pink Pearl DS Lite systems and a handful and Pokemon games (some Diamond some Pearl) to give away and I would like you to help me put these gifts into the hands of kids that could really use them. In other words, this is not your ordinary random giveaway–this is more like a Random Act of Kindness Giveaway. I love the sound of that. I’m sure that there a whole lot of super kids out there that could use a little Nintendo glow to make their day! If we put our collective mother heads and hearts together we can make this giveaway count.

If you know of a child that would really benefit from some kindness, some distraction, some playtime, some generosity, some fun, please let me know. Of course, you are encouraged to post comments here and if you feel you have a worthy candidate for the Nintendo Kindness Giveaway, you can email me with the details at maypapers at yahoo dot com and put Kindness Giveaway in the subject line. The object would be to get these kids the games in time for Valentines Day because, it just seems fitting. And by all means spread the word because everyone loves a good giveaway and kindness is a good thing.

Tabblo: Dazzling Pokemon Party

edited to add–
Thanks Jen Lemen for being an inspiration and a catalyst for kindness.
  • Jen Ballantyne
    Posted at 15:01h, 18 January Reply

    Dear Tracey, I have just popped over here from Jen Lemen’s blog. As I just told her, I have been a Mum sitting in an Oncology ward with an antsy five year old and totally think this is a wonderful kindness giveaway. I want to thank you so much for getting involved and making it happen for someone. I will try to source out some worthy kids who have sick Mamas and get back to you. Thanks again, God bless xx

  • Mandaroo
    Posted at 16:44h, 18 January Reply

    That looks like a fantastic time! And lucky you, a massage! I actually had a friend over yesterday who is currently displaced due to the fires. Their home was completely smoke damaged and many of their things have to be replaced. So, I think her kids would be very deserving! I’ll shoot you an email…..

  • pERiWinKle
    Posted at 17:52h, 18 January Reply

    I did volunteer word in a childrens ward for children who has cancer…and the delight and difference what a superman pillowcase made to a little boy….magical! Just imagine a nintendo game…yummie! can just see the little shy smile!

    What about going to a hospital, to the childrens ward…and ask the nurses which child wlil really appreaciate..or benefit from it? there are so many ways and so many children/people….magical! xx

  • Jessica
    Posted at 18:50h, 18 January Reply

    I have a good friend who’s son suffers from Chari Malformation. This is his website http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/viewHome.do

    He spends a lot of time at University Of Chicago Comer’s Childrens Hospital
    Chicago, IL
    United States

    I think the children there would love to receive this great gift. There is also a Ronald McDonald House that is located at the hospital.

    Just a thought!

  • Jennifer/The Word Cellar
    Posted at 18:54h, 18 January Reply

    Three cheers for the Kindness Brigade! I love this idea. It makes me happy to know that there are such kind, generous souls working their magic in the Universe. More kindness, I say!

  • PeetsMom
    Posted at 18:55h, 18 January Reply

    Super,Awesome and Heartfelt idea! I love it.

    I know these DS Lites will find their way into the hands of children who need a little lift!

    You’re the best!

  • Jessica
    Posted at 19:56h, 18 January Reply

    Crud the link I gave was wrong.


  • Phyllis Sommer
    Posted at 21:27h, 18 January Reply

    what an awesome way to run a giveaway. i love to see this….

  • kelly g
    Posted at 22:02h, 18 January Reply

    very awesome of you! my sister just told me about a charity that might interest you, or maybe you already knew about it. I was in the dark. it’s called Child’s Play Charity and it’s a great idea. http://www.childsplaycharity.org/index.php

  • KentuckyGal
    Posted at 23:07h, 18 January Reply

    What a great idea, and kudos for spreading the love!

  • chaoticfamily
    Posted at 00:10h, 19 January Reply

    Having worked in Health Care and also being a frequent hospital flyer as a child – I know that donations of all kinds are widely accepted. Perhaps your local hospital (Children’s) could accept something to be used on a specific ward!

    Thanks for posting such a lovely idea – not only will you be giving a child in need something wonderful you also will inspire others to do other acts of kindness. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what the results are! 🙂

  • Maggie
    Posted at 00:10h, 19 January Reply

    What a great party – and what a wonderful thing to do too!

  • kelly rae
    Posted at 01:58h, 19 January Reply

    i do medical social work. i have the perfect 7 year old girl who would benefit greatly from this giveaway. PLEASE get in touch with me and i’ll be happy to share details. i’m hosting an art giveaway now on my blog, but this has me thinking in other directions for my next giveaway – so thank you for the inspiration. and again, i have an endearing, heartbreakingly adorable 7 year old girl in mind (a child of a patient currently hospitalized now for over a month – including over christmas. they are very low income and she has been without her momma for too long).
    ps-found you via jen.

  • Cari
    Posted at 04:16h, 19 January Reply

    What a wonderful idea, Tracey.

  • Jessica New
    Posted at 09:11h, 19 January Reply

    We are Blessed to Bless others….
    Giving Rocks TJ…

  • Jessie
    Posted at 13:23h, 19 January Reply

    I don’t know of anyone offhand but this is a VERY cool giveaway and it sounds like you guys had a fabulous party! Lucky girls!

  • Bonnie
    Posted at 01:49h, 21 January Reply

    Thought you might like to know I mentioned you in this post … http://robogiles.blogspot.com/2008/01/bit-of-this-and-bit-of-that-made-for.html“ REL=”nofollow”>Here
    Not just the Best Shot Monday bit. Scroll down a bit further to the Them e Thursday bit !

    Very inspiring … your blog !

  • sweetnlow121
    Posted at 07:31h, 21 January Reply

    I work at a Children’s Hospital in Southern California (I’m a registered nurse) and there are plenty of kids that would definitely benefit. If you would like me to donate please let me know.

    jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

  • Neil
    Posted at 08:31h, 21 January Reply

    What a terrific idea! (from Jen’s)

  • Stacy
    Posted at 14:48h, 21 January Reply

    Wow, what a fantastic time! Good for you in passing on the goodies to children in need…there is lots of need out there.

  • melody is slurping life
    Posted at 20:08h, 21 January Reply

    What a blast for the girls! Yay Nintendo!!

    And what a wonderful way to hold a giveaway. As a adoptive mom and former foster parent, I know that when foster children have visits with biological parents, it is in the facilities of the local Dept of Family and Children Services. Often the children sit waiting for parents who never show to visit with them. They need toys, games, any form or entertainment while waiting. Imagine, sitting waiting for biological parents who may never show to see you…they definitely need distractions.

    Just a thought. You could check into your county’s DFCS or give to any dept of your choice.

  • Christine
    Posted at 01:36h, 22 January Reply

    My almost 5yo daughter is a middle child. She’s not the oldest, her brother has Type 1 Diabetes, and she’s not the baby.

    As she gets ready for K this year, not only would winning this make her day, but would really help her get a heads start over the summer for K in the fall.

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

    my email is christy0214 AT cox.net

  • Glenda
    Posted at 22:42h, 26 January Reply

    I’ve got a couple kids I would say are deserving, and then I read the comments and see so many more! I have a 12 yr old with spina bifida and prader willi syndrome, as well as epilepsy. She puts up with a lot of medical “crud” in her day. I have a son who is autistic and struggles to play in what we would consider the “normal” way. They also has a big sister who loves her the DS she got for christmas but seldom gets to play because she’s always handing it off to a younger sibling so they can play it. I’d love to buy another one, or two, but somehow it’s just not quite that easy when we’re buying the medical stuff that isn’t covered by insurance and running kids to appointments from hither to yon! So, I guess you could say I’d consider both of my girls deserving. 🙂 (glenda.leigh@gmail.com)

  • tracey
    Posted at 20:31h, 28 January Reply

    Thank you all so very much for your comments and emails! I have been very moved by your stories and how thoughtful you are all for suggesting so many deserving children. I wish I had enough DS Lites to give to all of the kids I have heard about.

    I will be posting some details soon about the kids who will be receiving the Nintendo goodies.

    Thanks again so very very much and I cetainly hope to do something like this again sometime soon!

  • Amelie
    Posted at 12:13h, 28 August Reply

    Is this offer still available? I’m 13 years old (I know that im not actually a little girl) but i wish i had an nintendo ds so badly, but my parents wont allow me as i have got 3 younger brotheres that want one too and it would be too expensive. Thanks.

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