Author: Tracey

I wait patiently for the session during which my coaching client whispers, “I am enough”.  It always comes.  It comes after a grueling internal battle between “should be” and “am”, or a descent down a steep ravine of fear and doubt that eventually leads to...

I am just like you: doing my best to love life in spite of my flaws.   Some days it’s easy. I see joy everywhere and feel so connected.   Then there are the times I get stuck inside my head, heart heavy with fog.   On these days I search for (extra)ordinary little miracles:   Pot of French Earl Grey Perfect...

When I went public again with my blog a few months ago after an intensely private time in my life, I slowly stopped writing about coming out. I wouldn’t say I went back into hiding; maybe even the opposite is true. I resumed writing about...

Enough to Change the World Sometimes, “I am enough” comes with a quiet surrender to all we can’t do.  It’s the recognition of “I am enough, even though I can’t end world hunger.” “I am enough, even without leading a movement of thousands.” “I am enough,...

Someone recently commented in passing that they were curious about my husband. She mentioned that although she had become acquainted with my daughters through my blog that she had never seen a photo of my husband. She's right. I don't post much about him. You know,...