Author: Tracey

My mother was one of eight.  I am one of six.  I thought I would surely be the mother of four or five.  I always gravitated toward babies.  Every family occasion would find me with whoever had the youngest child.  I looked forward to pregnancy, and...

Taking it day by day trying to remember to breathe and taking cues from all of life's wonders that present themselves everyday. Finding comfort and peace in the little things and reminding myself to slow down again. It all gets done. It always does. This past weekend wes...

I've spent my time this weekend doing not much of anything except perhaps the most important thing of all; spending time with my oldest daughter. Just she and I. And it's been nothing short of magic. Still on a high from the evening, I was eager to...

15 years today. Times flies when you're in love. For another good dose of love, Myriam Joseph Loeschen shared a love letter this week at the I am Enough Collaborative. Because, hey, haven't you heard? Love always wins.   ...

I have finally found a place where I'm centered and balanced, poised under pressure, and positive beyond measure. A way to begin each morning with a healthy perspective, and a means to hold both calm control and serene surrender throughout my daily comings and goings. It feels like...