Author: Tracey

Note to self:When one is drunk with hope and intoxicated by change one should steer clear of razors.All I can figure is that my impulse today was kind of like when you break up with your boyfriend and you immediately go get your hair chopped...

Awaking with the assurance that that today would be both historic and glorious, I stumbled down stairs, children still sleeping, and was greeted by this sight. The rising sun, circled by halo of hope; a symbol of what this day and our future holds.Join us...

Ever since the holiday season there has been a common theme around our home. Namely of the canine persuasion.First the decision a furry friend. Immediately followed by the trail and error period which led to the contemplation that perhaps we're more cat people than dog...

My oldest daughter and I are totally getting into the idea of working together on the When You Give a Girl a Camera project. Mother Daughter Duets has such a lovely ring to it. Yesterday it was bath time with bubbles. My youngest daughter got the...

I am delighted to announce that I am speaking at the Mom 2.0 Summit in Houston Feb. Yay. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I certainly hope to see many of you there as well. Check out the agenda. What's not to...

I know we're already almost half way through January but I am still settling into this whole New Year thing. In past years, with the hustle of the holidays I think I have passed over the event of the New Year with little attention. But,...

I am…a slipper girldependant on my morning cup of coffeenothing without my girlfriendsnot formally traineda cat persona short hair girlpartial to Stella Artoishappily marriednever tana milk drinkera nappera criernot into fooda master parallel parkersecretly trying to do the 365 project this yeara virgoFrom what I...

I have been hearing about the amazing Kelly Corrigan for months now. My mom keeps telling me to get her book The Middle Place. Someone said she was featured in the Oprah mag. Her name has come up in many emails and conversations in the...