Author: Tracey

Taking into consideration the obvious theme of many recent photos and various posts on the subject, I guess it goes without saying that I love the promise of early spring. With the beauty of every blossom I am inspired; each new bloom, each tender bud,...

I got the reminder that the Perfect Post Awards were coming up on the same day that Jen Lemen posted this gem at Shutter Sisters. Seriously, how could I not nominate it? Everything about her post is indeed perfect.The photo alone is brilliantly captured; the...

Have you happened upon Sweetney's Truthiness gig? It all began with this post where she announced the Flickr group which triggered a whole movement of sorts and I've been intrigued ever since.So, in the spirit of what another blonde, blue-eyed Tracey started, I offer nothing...

My girls and I took a long walk on Saturday evening. The three of us began with two magnifying glasses, two treasure collecting baskets and one trusty macro lens, as we ventured to discover the small wonders that Spring is awakening around our neighborhood.Although there...

As I was digging around looking for a photo for Love Thursday, I read Stacy's Theme Thursday for the week and thought, hey, I love self-portraits as much as the next guy...

It’s no mystery that in the past few weeks there has been some touch and go moments on the motherhood home front around here. Although I haven't exactly explained it, I think my images have done the talking for me. It's been difficult to put...