Author: Tracey

Are You MomReady?Check out MomReady today. They've featured my books under their Hot Product category. God, it feels good to be "Hot". And if you haven't signed up for their daily newletter, just do it. It's cool. ...

This post is for Mom-101. She said she tagged me for the 'stuff you hate meme' because I'm "so upbeat all the time". Is that supposed to be a complement?So now, in true David Letterman fashion, I give you my top 10 list of the...

WheelsSo far this summer, Iris has mastered riding her tricycle. And yes, she's wearing snowflake pants in June. I know.Luckily her super-skill has coincided with Julia's enthusiasm about her new beach cruiser. Yes, I know I shot directly into the sun. I know.Besides getting some...

How Do You Spell Schwag?If you're asking me, I'd say M-I-N-T-I. But if you're asking my 8-year-old she'd spell it like this,"schwag, S-C-H-W-A-G, schwag"because she's the Third Grade Spelling B Champ!Yes, folks, the accolades just keep coming. Last week, student of the month, this week,...

It's Belly TimeWell, looky here. In keeping in step with my labor and delivery reflections, Stacy at Frankly Pregnant posted "Tracey's Belly Shot". A whole post dedicated to little (I mean BIG) ol' me. Well, Iris was in there too so I can't take all...

Three Years Ago Today I remember a new house, unpacked boxes, a newly painted nursery, and a hand me down crib.I remember feeling overwhelmed.I remember feeling big and uncomfortable.I remember fear, loneliness, and isolation.I remember having support and love, unconditional love.I remember taking pictures and...

In Honor of a Perfect DaughterI picked Julia up after school today, as usual. I always park along the back side of the school and stand outside my car and wait. She comes out the double doors, disheveled pig-tails, sweater loosely tied around her thin...

In Honor of a Perfect PostA while back I gushed about a post at La Vie En Rose. Well, the gushing isn't over yet. I haven't been able to get it out of my head. It's worthy of an award. Ah ha! How about Suburban...

The Spirit of ReceivingI found out today that I have been the recipient of an incredible gift. I was given a ticket to BlogHer. Remember the generous people at Minti that were giving tickets away? Yep. They offered me one. I am elated and bursting...