24 Aug Message 3
Please share something that spoke to you this week. ...
Please share something that spoke to you this week. ...
Being here I feel truly supported. Not only by sisterhood but the Earth itself. There's magic in the clouds, most certainly, but there's nothing like the love of Mother Earth. I hope all of you are finding your own magic this week. Share your bliss today on...
I'm doing everything I can to be kind to myself these days. Seeking comfort, acceptance and love from myself, to myself is a good start. Reminding myself a number of times each day that I am enough. I can't imagine that something that seems like it...
As I browse through the many many images I've shot this week and contemplate what to share for Best Shot Monday, it is this self-timer series of my girls and I that stops me in my tracks. No other photograph could ever mean more to me...
"There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter and noise." -Brian Andreas, Storypeople Blink blink. It's Monday again, isn't it? So much has happened in a week it's as if I've come full circle. I guess in a sense...
As I am preparing to leave for what will be a jam-packed 4 days in Chicago, I am tending to one sick child with fingers crossed that my other doesn't get it too. Or for that matter, that I don't get it either (whatever IT...
We have spent more time at the beach this summer so far than is probably good for us. The freckles on my oldest daughter's face tell the story well. Sun, sand, salt water and lots and lots of sunscreen. What stories of summer are you telling...
I have quite a handful of fun and festive photos from our Fourth of July but nothing spoke to me this week quite like my Best Shot today. My youngest daughter is such the joker, the entertainer, the comedienne, the musician, the character...
It's Best Shot Monday. Share with us what you'd consider a quintessential moment. ...
I have gone over and over my experience this weekend at The Mother's Plunge in hopes that I could do it justice in words. Then I read what Jena shared on her blog about it. Bullseye baby! She said it perfectly and poetically and took the words right...