13 May room to grow
Change is in the air, I can feel it. We're in the throes of spring now and that thing that usually comes over me has in fact come over me and I am feeling like a hermit crab again. You know the one who wakes...
Change is in the air, I can feel it. We're in the throes of spring now and that thing that usually comes over me has in fact come over me and I am feeling like a hermit crab again. You know the one who wakes...
Although I shot quite a few images this week, I've also been in catch up mode which means, sifting and sorting through old projects, images from the last few months and wrapping up the work that has needed my attention for weeks now. My best shot today...
I've spent my time this weekend doing not much of anything except perhaps the most important thing of all; spending time with my oldest daughter. Just she and I. And it's been nothing short of magic. Still on a high from the evening, I was eager to...
I have finally found a place where I'm centered and balanced, poised under pressure, and positive beyond measure. A way to begin each morning with a healthy perspective, and a means to hold both calm control and serene surrender throughout my daily comings and goings. It feels like...
We had a little fun shooting an Alice in Wonderland theme this weekend. I have to say that my girls are pretty good sports when it comes to my photographic whims. Especially when it has to do with dress up and tea parties. Lucky me to have...
13 years ago today I became a mother. I found out that a small sprout of a shamrock was growing inside my very own belly. This day has never been more important or more special since the day my luck changed for the better with the...
I'm honored to be the guest judge this week at I Heart Faces. Of course, among some of the questions they asked me about myself, they asked me to choose a few of my favorite pictures of 'faces'. I'm sure you already know who my favorite...
Another Friday Light post. It looks like it's going to be a regular feature now. Sweet. Light like this puts me in the right frame of mind to muse; to dare to dream. I need a little more of that in my life. Speaking of musing,...
Friday's have a tendency to be a little slower on the super-highway of the internet. I guess they say the same for even the traffic on the freeways too. That's why they call it Friday light. I like the sound of that. Behold, I think as...
A few days following a special project of love and kindness (dedicated to a dear soul) one of the generous hearts that coordinated the outpouring of love sent a little package to my door. Over so many miles she sent so much love. Despite the fact that...