
From pumpkin carver to Cheetah is no time flat. Meeeeeow.I cannot wait to see this weeks Best Shots. Something tells me they are going to more festive than any other week to date (except for maybe last year or the year before that). Go ahead,...

My girls and I recently had the pleasure of attending Mickey's Trick-or-Treat Party at California Adventure. Last years event was such a blast we were delighted for the invite again. With each passing year outings like this get more and more fun (and easy) as...

When moments like this present themselves I melt; my camera at the ready of course. I shoot with reckless abandon loving each shot more than the last, in a zone of celebrating these moments of my life that make it all worthwhile. What I love...

Our Sunday consisted of a large list of to-dos. The shoe store, Home Depot and the super market. Of course, the camera came with me. Who knew that taking photos in the super market can actually make for a pretty hilarious (and even fun) outing....