x our collective

I love my alone time. Silent, still, sacred alone time. Much of my everyday photography reflects the time when I am grounded and grateful being alone. But, there is a vibrancy, an electricity, an aliveness that can only come from being connected. From being together....

“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.” ― Sarah Dessen, Just Listen When I sat to write a piece about "time" to...

Time. It’s on my side. Sure it is. Am I the only one who gets the urge to sock Mick in the nose upon hearing that lyric? But then I remember he was young and invincible when he wrote it. So, instead, I just want to hand him...

"Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in." -Henry David Thoreau Alongside the river of my imagination I found an old camera. It comes from long ago. A deep brown wooden box with tarnished brass knobs. Its appearance at once intrigued me and filled me...

For me, September has always felt more like New Year’s than New Year’s has. I know without a doubt that its seasonal, as summer slowly shifts into fall, but even more so, it’s the start of the school calendar. Although my school days have long...