


As I am preparing to leave for what will be a jam-packed 4 days in Chicago, I am tending to one sick child with fingers crossed that my other doesn’t get it too. Or for that matter, that I don’t get it either (whatever IT is). Such is the life of being a mom. Things come up at seemingly less that ideal moments and plans are often turned on their ear. It’s been this way for 11 years now since I’ve been a mom so when there are bumps in the road (or on the tonsils) it’s not surprising, it’s just a little disconcerting.

Never the less, I pack my bags and stay on track doing my best to remain both focused on my work at hand and at the same time being hyper-aware to my daughter’s needs and furthering condition. Fever, please break and save us from a visit to urgent care, I beg of you. The whole process gets me thinking about past trips and the high jinx that has ensued before and during my get-away weekends.

Many trips and outtings planned have lead to cancellations due to sick kids. It makes me wonder if even their immune systems are compromised by the mere knowing that I am leaving. And last year while doing the final load of laundry before BlogHer (just a few little things I needed at the last minue) even the washing machine revolted and we had huge flood. Yes, the night before I left. Good times.

I’m not sure I’d go all in with the conspiracy theory (although I must admit it does kind of feel like one) but I will say that something gets thrown off kilter when mom is away-or even getting ready to go away.

So what’s this all got to do with My Best Shot? Well, the last time I was gone for a weekend was for the Mom 2.0 Summit (this is a must event if you are a bloggin’ mom, btw). During one of the cocktail parties I got a call from my husband. After a little small talk and catching up he mentioned, “Oh, we got a dog.” The next morning I woke up with a virtual introduction email to Junie.

I know I’m not wrong when I say something unexplainable goes on with planetary alignment when moms forsake their ‘normal’ posts, I just hope that this year the only craziness that might ensue is the fun we’re going to have at BlogHer. Crossing fingers.

Despite my ramblings, today is Best Shot Monday. Got any photo momentos of your own to share? You know the drill. Let’s see the goods.

  • Jen
    Posted at 15:21h, 20 July Reply

    I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. Here’s my photo momento:
    Say Cheese

  • Suzanne Broughton
    Posted at 15:29h, 20 July Reply

    Hope everyone in your family is well soon.

    Here is my wish for you and everyone this week: A cool change.

    Have fun at BlogHer. I wish I were going…

  • megan
    Posted at 15:34h, 20 July Reply

    sending good vibes for an "uneventful" weekend in your absence :). and a great time at blogher!


  • Bren / BG Garden
    Posted at 15:40h, 20 July Reply

    Great shot of the puppy – HER eyes say it all!
    (((HUGS))) I hope it all works out for you. Chicago will be a blast.

  • Gayle
    Posted at 15:50h, 20 July Reply

    What a great shot of Junie!

    I’m sending healing thoughts to your family!

  • susiej
    Posted at 15:54h, 20 July Reply

    Geesh… mommy radar.. the world is always pulling us back into our nests… even though our escape is precisely what we need to make our nests strong. I think I remember the puppy! Here’s to sneaking and away, and staying on your path… no matter what! I do hope the fever breaks soon.
    Slow Downnnnn!!

  • Lu
    Posted at 16:06h, 20 July Reply

    I am absolutely cracking up at the introduction to the pooch. Classic. Usually when I come back home, something is different about the house. Lately, it has been curtains popping up or new throw rugs. My kids are looking forward to all the swag I bring home from BlogHer, so this will be rather interesting. Looking forward to seeing you again.

  • lifeineden
    Posted at 16:17h, 20 July Reply

    Hope the chaos of packing and getting ready ends soon and smoothly. Have a great trip!

    Here is my BSM — it is from our "staycation".

  • Puna
    Posted at 16:39h, 20 July Reply

    That is the cutest photo of your dog. The pink collar is the best. And yes, I know the drill! Happy Monday!

    There is Hope

  • Puna
    Posted at 16:51h, 20 July Reply

    Oh and Tracey? I know your little girl will be just fine. I know it will be hard to do, but don’t worry.

  • Alicia
    Posted at 16:58h, 20 July Reply

    I’m doing my first Best Shot Monday on my new photo blog!! I thought I’d share the one who helped me create this new blog of mine…

    BEST SHOT MONDAY: the trick

  • The IE Mommy
    Posted at 17:20h, 20 July Reply

    He’s a cutie. My girls would love a dog but it will be a while before we get one (again).
    Thanks for the fun. Swing on by The IE Mommy and take time to smell the flowers…no matter how crazy life gets.

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 17:58h, 20 July Reply

    Isn’t that always the way? My son spiked a fever three hours before I our first trip away from him. My parents were losing it, but luckily t was fleeting. Here’s hoping that your daughter’s tonsils end their revolt sooner than later.

    Here is my offering this week. Little surprises lurk everywhere. Keep an eye out for yours!

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 18:02h, 20 July Reply

    Hope your kiddo gets to feeling better. And that the universe has no other complications in store for you!

    Here’s mine – a spontaneous party.

  • Berta
    Posted at 18:17h, 20 July Reply

    Darn cute pic. You can just when it’s summer – it even shows in pets eyes! Have a GREAT MONDAY – we are enjoying the SUNSHINE and warm breezes!

  • Brené
    Posted at 18:36h, 20 July Reply

    Love that picture of Junie. Is she as saintly as she looks?

    My BSM is here: http://www.ordinarycourage.com/my-blog/2009/7/20/bsm-giveaway-winners.html

  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 18:39h, 20 July Reply

    Mom is the center of the universe. Of course things get off balance when you go. Hope she feels better soon. And can’t wait to hear about your adventures.

    We’ve had a very eventful time in beautiful Hawaii! Here’s My Best Shot of Summer Vacation

  • Joanna
    Posted at 19:00h, 20 July Reply

    Have a safe trip to Chicago. Hope the fam gets better soon! I truly belive the earth is unaligned when Mom’s are away, but I am sure they will be fine. :0)

    Here’s my BSM

  • shelley
    Posted at 19:17h, 20 July Reply

    Have a SUITE TIME my little Shutter Mama.
    xox your little mama

  • natalie
    Posted at 20:18h, 20 July Reply

    That’s such a great picture of your precious pup!

    We were out walking one day last week and noticed a few toadstools. We stopped to invistigate and captured MBS while we were at it!

  • natalie
    Posted at 20:19h, 20 July Reply

    Let me try that link again:

  • Mandy
    Posted at 20:48h, 20 July Reply

    What a cutie!!! Love the bokeh. I really have to learn how to do that better…. I’m jealous, maybe I’ll make it to BlogHer some day, sounds like such fun.
    I took a moment and paused on a day of hustle and bustle and took a photo of one of my favorite local flowers.


  • carrie
    Posted at 20:52h, 20 July Reply

    Fingers crossed that everyone is feeling great by the end of the week so you can go and enjoy your time, worry-free! I love the pup picture. He is so cute it makes me want to get one!

    Today He’s Got My Whole World In His Hands over at our BSM.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 22:22h, 20 July Reply

    Talk about putting on a happy face! She’s almost smiling in this photo. Probably is. 🙂 Mine is of Jack and a friend, both enamored by a shiny red tricycle.

  • Lis
    Posted at 22:33h, 20 July Reply

    My interpretation on a photo memory (I love the concept – Photo memento – something to think about a little more deeply than I have time for right now!) … it was just a fun day with good friends.


    (sorry, I’m not savvy enough to figure out how to embed my link into a phrase on this comment board!)

  • Heather
    Posted at 00:46h, 21 July Reply

    I just had a good laugh after just now finishing a laundry list post of similar proportions in lieu of my usual best Best Shot Monday post. There must be something in the air! Oh and I would totally love it if I came home to a puppy! What sweet shot! Between Junie and Rufus, the shutter pups are not making it easy to wait on a dog!

    Here’s my post this week….scroll down for the actual photo! 😉

  • Donna
    Posted at 01:21h, 21 July Reply

    sweet loveable dog – I just want to hug him! my best shot is scenic and hot…on my blog

  • NTE
    Posted at 03:30h, 21 July Reply

    What a cute puppy.

    My Best Shot is celebrating href="http://neverthateasy.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post.html"> a birthday. I hope the rest of your week leaves you time for breathing!

  • NTE
    Posted at 03:31h, 21 July Reply

    Sorry about that – I Meant to hit preview, but am a dope.

    Try this instead

  • golightly
    Posted at 07:32h, 21 July Reply

    That is one sweet little pouch! Have a great weekend at BlogHer! I’m trying to get back into swing lately – so here I am after Midnight — officially Tuesday. sigh.
    my weekend best shot

  • Meg
    Posted at 17:37h, 21 July Reply

    Wow, Tracey, I missed this post yesterday and I’m sort of glad I did because it really hit home today. Sometimes I think you and I are somehow cosmically connected. Some days the universe just really throws us, doesn’t it?!

  • Sherry
    Posted at 00:47h, 26 July Reply

    I love the bokeh in the photo!

  • killlashandra
    Posted at 16:23h, 27 July Reply

    I hope everything turns out well. I remember last year when you came home to a dog. That surprised me but it was a memorable moment. 🙂

    Here’s a picture of my newest little one.

  • arizaphale
    Posted at 17:50h, 27 July Reply

    Oh she looks like a SWEETHEART!!!! Let’s hope the fever breaks (we’ve been having a bit of that over this way too) and only good things happen while you are away.
    I finally picked up a camera for the first time in about a month…

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