I am enough from Jody Thorsen

I am enough from Jody Thorsen

I’m nobody – nobody famous, that is – but I am somebody. I breathe. I think. I move. I talk. I love. I am loved. I serve. I give. I take. I have wants, wishes and dream. I have opinions. I am enough.
Most days I remember that and then the criticism comes and the nagging voice comes back. “Why did you say that?”  “Won’t you ever learn?”  “It’s not good enough!”  “Nobody cares.”  “You don’t fit in here.”  “Don’t even try because you will fail.”  That voice is trying to stop me from being who I could be, who I want to be, who I’m meant to be. It’s the devil sitting on my shoulder. I’m learning to take great pleasure in swatting him off into the dust, far from my ear so I can’t hear that negative voice. I smile at the imagery, find something to be grateful about and move forward knowing I AM ENOUGH just because I’m me.
About Jody Thorsen

I share my home with my dog Dillie and my parents. I have worked in the same office for nearly 23 years. I love it when I can be surrounded by my 9 nieces and nephews. I knit, crochet, tat, embroider, cross stitch, scrapbook, sew, quilt and garden, most of which I learned to do from a book. I have plumbed my own sink, built a block wall, and installed my kitchen floor. I can do anything and I love to teach others that they can too.
  • Kristin Craig Lai
    Posted at 19:18h, 01 March Reply

    It's funny, I'm a life coach and I've used this kind of imagery with my clients. I ask them to create a visual representation of the voice that tears them down and then we figure out how to quiet that voice. Often I often have them create an image of a voice that will dispute the 'gremlin'. It doesn't work for everyone but for some it's a very helpful tool for putting that gremlin in its place.

  • Jessica
    Posted at 21:40h, 14 April Reply

    I really love your post. It is short and to the point. I can relate and when I read it it just makes me feel that I too am enough! Thank you.

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