keeping me in focus

keeping me in focus

Amidst moving upward and onward in my work and all of the bright spots of career these two bring me down to earth. Sure, they celebrate my successes but I’m just mom. And when I fly to Houston or teach a workshop they let me know loud and clear that first and foremost I am theirs. And they are mine.

As a mother, the push and pull can be excruciating; needing to be rooted at home and at the same time wanting to soar out and about swirling in the creative currents. We are blessed when we can balance both because every minute matters. But it’s a art. And any art takes practice. Some days it really really hard. Other day’s it’s as if every step, every flap is taking you (or perhaps keeping you) right where you need to be.

Karen Maezen Miller said it so well in her book Momma Zen,

When you can do anything as though you work at nothing, you have the best days of your life.

Those are the kind of days when you know you’re in the right place and exactly the right time. I love those days.

How about your days? What keeps you grounded? What encourages you to fly?

  • Leisa Hammett
    Posted at 17:42h, 08 February Reply

    LOVE that shot! Critiques are more than welcome. And, I’m going to try to do a HTML hotlink. I’m still trying to figure it out. If it doesn’t work, I’ll still have the cut and pasted version below.

    tale of winter sky

    Here’s mine:

  • Stephanie Wind
    Posted at 18:44h, 08 February Reply

    What a great post! I feel this way so often…I want to do my best to raise my two boys and give them everything that I can to make them strong and happy individuals. But at the same time, I want to be able to work, to prove to the world that I am more than just a mother, that I have talent outside of my home.

    It’s true what is said, being a mom is the most challenging yet rewarding job in the world!

    Thanks for the great post!

  • the gypsy chick
    Posted at 19:04h, 08 February Reply

    Beautiful Tracey, I think that all of my children keep me grounded in their each and own way, but there is something special about the way my middle child makes me see things.
    So here is my link (sorry still learning how to link them directly)


  • Joanna
    Posted at 19:35h, 08 February Reply

    I really understand needing to be grounded at home but wanting my time to be creative. Its hard to not feel like I should be paying more attention to my daughter when something else is calling for me. Great post.

    Here’s my BSM. I try to remember it everyday.

  • Cara
    Posted at 19:35h, 08 February Reply

    My boys totally keep me grounded along with the 28.5 Inches of Snow we got on Saturday. I love how kids could spend all day outside in 20 degree weather and wet snow and not complain. The snow gave us time to spend together as well, all errand were put on hold (as well as the laundry).

  • Amanda
    Posted at 19:52h, 08 February Reply

    Terrific post, and adorable girls! They’re getting so big. What’s not to love about that shot?!

    It’s so true too that there are those days when everything feels as if it’s going according to plan. Ironically, those usually happen for me on days when I hadn’t a plan to speak of. I suppose it’s more of a reminder to live in the moment. My best shot reminds me that if you can’t beat ’em – join ’em. I’m slowly learning just how much my kids will teach me if I take the time to stop and listen!

  • chris
    Posted at 20:45h, 08 February Reply

    My Best Shot Monday is full of joy, truly. ;).

  • MelodyA.
    Posted at 21:04h, 08 February Reply

    What keeps me grounded is just spending time doing the things we love. I rarely find it hard to get back to the things I love, like fried peanut butter and jelly with my girls. 😉

  • bekkah
    Posted at 21:31h, 08 February Reply

    Beautiful shot 🙂

    Things have been way out of balance around here for a while…colds, an ear infection, the flu…but fortunately we’re finally starting to settle back down. I definitely welcome it! Some quiet time just wandering re-charges me every time. BSM

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 22:35h, 08 February Reply

    The kids do such a good job of keeping me together. When my baby is (who is almost four!) stops me to tell me how much he loves me, it’s amazing.

    Those girls of your are delightful. I hope my little ladies are as cool as they are one day!

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 03:53h, 09 February Reply

    Love those shades. And I love coming here and, time after time, finding what I need. Thanks.

    Here’s my Best Shot.

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