me and the city

me and the city

By the looks of these photos, you can guess that I’m having a great time in NYC. I’ve been so excited about coming for a number of reasons. The trip is officially for work (I’m thrilled to be working with Aurora on a really fun project while I’m here) and lucky me, I got to squeeze in a little playtime too.

I’ve used some of this trip to actually shoot which is something I didn’t get to do much of in Chicago of all crazy things! I packed up my arsenal of gear and brought it along. I’m most excited about my new Lensbaby Super Wide Conversion Lens (handiwork seen in photos above). It’s a total blast to use and I love the results!

And beyond all that good stuff, I had the honor of sharing a photo tutorial on documenting birthdays over at Ali Edwards’ amazing blog (love her!) as well as being featured at a delightful new blog called The Lovely List (a must see). How fun is that??

What else to say but I am jumping for joy!

And just for the icing on the cake (yes, I did get to visit the infamous Chocolate Room in Brooklyn today) Jen and Stephanie share some Picture Hope stories and images on a live chat at The Motherhood today. I am bursting at the seems with pride as they are really trying to forge new ground with the concept of ‘fair conent’ –affording the people whom they meet and talk with on their journey compensation for sharing their stories with us. It’s really awesome! You can read the chat and hear what the sisters have to say and you can help out by visiting Epic Change. Your donations will go directly to one of these amazing storytellers through Jen and Stephanie. This is good good work!

Anything tickling your fancy these days? It’s fun to share. Come on…jump with me.

  • Emily McKhann
    Posted at 14:50h, 04 August Reply

    I hope you have a FANTASTIC last day in the city today!!!! I love the Lovely List, and its wonderful name, and am still floating from the conversation with Jen and Stephanie yesterday. I still can’t quite believe we got to talk to them live from Rwanda, hear their stories, see their beautiful photos — all with a great group of women from around the US and even Europe!!! It was just so inspiring. What you started with ShutterSisters is inspired, ground-breaking, life changing and so so darn cool!

  • Lu
    Posted at 14:59h, 04 August Reply

    Don’t you love that super wide lens?! I have had mine for a few months now and I tell you, I could shoot with nothing but the lensbaby and all the accessories and be happy forever.

    I hope you have a great trip and I am also loving Aurora. Awesome, awesome tool!!!

  • Keri
    Posted at 15:38h, 04 August Reply

    That is a hilarious and wonderful self portrait – made me laugh out loud. Enjoy NYC! A few culinary tips – black and white cookies at any decent deli, soup dumplings at Joe’s Shanghai in Chinatown, and a bagel at Essabagel….mmm….

  • maz
    Posted at 12:18h, 05 August Reply

    Ach! Another lensbaby for my list- I just can’t decide! I love what you’ve done with this!

  • Melissa G
    Posted at 06:36h, 07 August Reply

    Those are fantastic! I thought I had exhausted my equipment budget for the year, but that may have to be reconsidered.

    Glad you’re having fun!

  • Laura
    Posted at 06:41h, 12 August Reply

    Just got back on the 4th August from a long anticipated trip to the big apple too. I am seeking some clarity myself and the escape was welcome. I hope your trip was as insightful and rewarding as your photo’s-this city has an energy like no other-though the same can be found in rare individuals. I relate to, and appreciate your candor and hope to develop similar courage to express when I am ready. Thanks for your posts,

  • melvin
    Posted at 09:40h, 14 August Reply

    wow,great pictures….
    thanks for sharing…
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  • melvin
    Posted at 09:40h, 14 August Reply

    Amazing post…
    pics are great….
    thanks for sharing….

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