

I have hundreds of images I’ve been sifting through from the last few weeks; a million ideas for my Best Shot Monday but Spring Break (in it’s wonder and glory and utter unstructuredness-which I’m sure isn’t even a word) I am exhausted. This image of a shifty slinky is the only shot that could really express how I am feeling.

If there is anything at all I am finally starting to learn it’s that I am a structure person and a lack of routine throws me. That said, after 2 weeks of upheaval and more and more work piling up around me I am feeling a little shifty and uncomfortably out of my element. I’ve had no time to myself, and I have forgotten how much I need that for my sanity. Who among us doesn’t?

Was our vacation amazing? Yes. Did I enjoy being away? Of course. Do I value time spent with my husband and daughters splashing about, treasure hunting and star gazing? I can think of nothing better.

But, I can’t deny that Monday morning, after school drop off, can’t come a minute too soon. Now, if all that work would take care of itself…

How are you feeling today? Share your best shot!

  • golightly
    Posted at 07:17h, 12 April Reply

    If only my Monday morning would go so smooth would be productive… In the mean time I ended up with a happy accident today that leaves me with a dreamy shot of my boy that I love.

  • tracy
    Posted at 10:35h, 12 April Reply

    Re-entry…may it be kind to you as you settle back into routine, but may it also be laced with those treasured memory-making moments that came to leave a song in your heart as you return.

  • Colette
    Posted at 11:47h, 12 April Reply

    Hello I have decided to join in this week.

  • soraya nulliah
    Posted at 13:08h, 12 April Reply

    My weekend was full of To-Do lists and busy, busy, busy but there were a few delicious moments spent with my family that I savored…SWEET. This is my BSM.

  • Shelly @ Aperture of My Eye
    Posted at 13:23h, 12 April Reply

    I decided to include one of my shots from over the weekend while working on an assignment from your Picture Spring class. Love the class, by the way! I’m a little behind in posting everything yet, but I’m having a great time shooting. Here’s my Heart-Shaped Best Shot Monday

  • Shelly @ Aperture of My Eye
    Posted at 13:31h, 12 April Reply

    I must have had a typo because the link to my post isn’t working. Here is my Best Shot Monday again.

  • Joanna
    Posted at 13:37h, 12 April Reply

    I think we are all structured people by nature…..even from birth. It gives us a sense of comfort and control. I hope you fall back into your comfy structured schedule soon!!

    With a major head cold, double ear infection and being 8 months pregnant, I am feeling kinda delicate. Hence, my BSM of Delicate Details

  • Heather
    Posted at 13:46h, 12 April Reply

    You describe it so well! I also am more comfortable with structure and this weekend was my daughter’s 4th birthday. . . Loved creating a "Fancy Nancy" family party for her but found myself anxious to return to a more predictable routine. Those pics aren’t quite finished yet but here’s my best shot of her and daddy playing in the sun:

  • megan
    Posted at 13:54h, 12 April Reply

    there’s nothing like a return to routine after vacation, no matter how lovely the time away was.

    here’s my BSM this week: these shoes

  • Teresa
    Posted at 13:58h, 12 April Reply

    I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. I hope you’ll find re-structuring your schedule a bit easier now that school is back in. Have a great week!

  • Heather
    Posted at 13:59h, 12 April Reply

    Oh nuts, that didn’t work so well. Hmm. . . Let’s try this instead.

  • Bostongaljm
    Posted at 14:05h, 12 April Reply

    I’m in agreement with you. Structure is a good thing, even for us creatives!

    Sharing a view from this weekend…

  • Cara
    Posted at 16:06h, 12 April Reply

    Monday’s are usually when I get an opportunity to look at the shots from the weekend and reflect on what they say to me. This weekend my baby turned 2 and I look at some of the photos and wonder where did 2 years go so fast?

  • Lana
    Posted at 17:07h, 12 April Reply

    Did you take this with your 50mm lens? Is there a way to see the exif info, I’m still learning and would find that very helpful. It would actually be super cool to see camera/lens info on all the pics posted on Shutter Sisters 🙂 Thanks a million!

  • phyllis
    Posted at 18:36h, 12 April Reply

    it took me so long to get back to the "structure" of regular life that these pictures of our spring break are from 2 weeks ago!!!!

    Passover in PIctures

  • cindi
    Posted at 19:03h, 12 April Reply

    Structure is a hard habit to break! LOL
    But I keep trying…

    my best shot monday

  • Amy Jo
    Posted at 21:02h, 12 April Reply

    I know the feeling. Our break was last week, and then we unexpectedly had to travel this past weekend. It was for pleasant circumstances, but it was exhausting none the less.

    My best shot is from our travels. I’ve been obsessed with photographing old things around my grandparents’ houses. I love tradition.

  • carrie
    Posted at 22:01h, 12 April Reply

    Shifty! Yes! That is exactly the word…wow and the perfect image, too. I am also feeling a little shifty, but happy that our SB and crazy birthday week was successful. Now I can just look back at my fave photo of the week, and figure out how to get shifted in the right direction.

  • AlineLove34
    Posted at 23:33h, 12 April Reply

    I guess that to receive the home loans from creditors you must have a firm motivation. But, one time I have received a sba loan, just because I wanted to buy a building.

  • Lis
    Posted at 02:08h, 13 April Reply

    If I were being honest, I would have a blurry picture with me buried by packing cartons. (allergies and unpacking still from my mother’s move 4 months ago!)

    My best shots from the weekend are here:

    along with a homage to my first photography teacher who has been on my mind a lot lately. … wanting to give thanks for his encouragement … an acknowledging my re-commitment to photography as a serious student 🙂

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