The Beauty of Being Unplugged

The Beauty of Being Unplugged

Button Shell Necklace and The Beauty of Being Unplugged

Each year, we spend our Spring Break in a very remote part of Baja, Mexico. In the past we’ve had some internet access, albeit totally unreliable and unpredictable. Never the less, if I HAD to get online, I could if I was patient and persistent. This year was a different story. The day before we flew out I was told there would be no internet access AT ALL. For 6 days.

I’m not sure if I’ve actually ever been offline for 6 days since like, the invention of the internet, but I was actually (surprisingly) excited by the news. What happened in those 6 days without internet access far-surpassed anything that could have happened with internet access.

And I’ve got the photos to prove it.

Sitting on the beach in Mexico

Happy to Be Unplugged

Making a Shell Strand

Girl with Shell Strand in Ocean

Father Daughter Moment

BW family in Baja

Feet with Found Heart in Baja

  • Sue Ann Gleason
    Posted at 05:36h, 26 April Reply

    Oh yes, I love this. I am looking forward to a month-long trip abroad in September and I am already planning a largely internet free experience. What a beautiful display of the beauty in being unplugged. Thank you, Tracey.

  • Kristine
    Posted at 14:12h, 26 April Reply

    I thoroughly enjoyed this post — Lovely Photos — Lovely Sentiment — Mission Accomplished!

  • shelley
    Posted at 20:25h, 27 April Reply

    nothing like sun, sand and sea to soothe your soul. love these sweet scenes of the girlies.

  • Naomi
    Posted at 09:03h, 28 April Reply

    Oh that string of shells … gorgeous!

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