The family unit

The family unit

Someone recently commented in passing that they were curious about my husband. She mentioned that although she had become acquainted with my daughters through my blog that she had never seen a photo of my husband. She’s right. I don’t post much about him. You know, privacy and all that. But rest assured, he is awesome!

Alas, the opportunity to share our entire family unit has arisen with the Brandman University’s MVP contest. It’s a  contestthat encourages people to nominate the Most Valuable Person in their lives. The everyday heroes. The first person who came to mind for the MVP in my life was my husband. Amazing, inspiring, supportive, kind, considerate, handsome and hilarious, there is no one I would rather be spending my life with than him. He is most definitely my MVP.

What makes this contest extra fun is that you don’t have to win to win. Just by nominating your MVP, you get Angel Gamevouchers. As in a free baseball game. My MVP just happens to love the Angels. Even more awesomeness, don’t you think? If you’re in the So Cal area, or even coming in for a visit, an Angel game is a fantastic way to spend an evening. Nominate your MVP today…only a few more days before the nomination process closes and the voting process begins.

So, let’s have it, who is your MVP?

  • rawqueen
    Posted at 18:17h, 18 June Reply


  • tara on the wander
    Posted at 21:38h, 18 June Reply

    hee. i've wondered about your husband, too. what a sweet tribute.

  • Puna
    Posted at 21:08h, 19 June Reply

    What a beautiful family Tracey. I wish I was in LA so that I can nominate my husband. It would be right up his alley.

  • Elya
    Posted at 03:03h, 24 June Reply

    My MVP would definitely be my husband as well 🙂 i love your photographs by the way

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