watching and waiting

watching and waiting


I’ve been formulating my first post of the New Year in my head for days now but when I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) it’s just not coming.

I’m still waiting for the right One Little Word to present itself. I know the feeling I want to carry throughout 2012 but the word hasn’t come to me yet. So I wait.

I’m watching. Myself, you, my family, my friends. In quiet, contemplative, observation mode I am just seeing how things are moving. The tides coming in and going out. The moon waxing and waning. The process of things. The evolution.

I’m being still and am listening to the whispers of my inner-knowing. And I am honoring my own pace.

It sounds rather dreamy, doesn’t it? It can be. But it can be equally uncomfortable when you’re out of practice of just being. Just allowing. Just trusting.

And so, I’m trying to just allow it all. And feel it all. The ease and the discomfort. Sure, I’ve got exciting things coming, and big hopes and dreams. I’ve got things I want to do and news I want to share and adventures to be had. But I’m just not ready. Not right now. Right now, I am just being.

Right now, I’m watching and I’m waiting in this space that is part awesome and part funky. At least for a little while.

How are you feeling with 2012 New Year upon us? Is the year ahead clear to you or are you in observation mode? I’d love to hear about your process. 

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  • Katrina
    Posted at 02:26h, 06 January Reply

    My one little word found me a few months ago – SHIFT. I adore it's subtle-ness. It's change, but doesn't have to feel like MAJOR change. Just a slight change of perspective. Baby steps.

    In honesty, I know that my 2012 will involve major, life-changing, soul-wrenching change. I am feeling strangely optimistic about it. I am also embracing a crazy surge of creativity. Where in the heck did that come from?

    Happy New Year. 🙂

  • Lee
    Posted at 04:00h, 06 January Reply

    All I know about 2012 is that it has to be better than 2011 – or maybe last year just laid the foundation for me to be strong enough to handle what 2012 is going to throw at me? At any rate, I've decided to stay OPEN (my word) to everything the year has to offer 🙂

    It'll come to you. Glad you're just going to let it be. Enjoy everything the new year has in store for you and yours 🙂

  • Mariah
    Posted at 14:05h, 06 January Reply

    Here's to the beauty of "just being!"

  • Lissa @ lafcustomdesigns
    Posted at 18:58h, 06 January Reply

    Tracey: Thanks so much for your thoughtful post. This is exactly how I'm feeling about my job search! What I want to do next is just not coming to me, so in the meantime I am doing what I know I need to do, apply for work, and spending lots of time with my camera, my puppy dog, and my blog! I look forward to seeing what word taps you on the shoulder and says, "come with me, I want to show you something!" ;->

  • kathy melvin
    Posted at 23:48h, 06 January Reply

    I've been thinking a lot about time, and being more aware of how I am spending it. It is so easy for me to be reactionary, or to fill it with things that I think are important at the moment, but in reality dont matter too much. So for me 2012 is about knowing what is important to me, and then using my time wisely, spending it on the things that matter.

  • sandie
    Posted at 00:50h, 07 January Reply

    I'm still open to my word for 2012. Last year it was 'intuition' and it stood me in good stead. I had a challenging year and needed to be resourceful and to trust in my own judgement and decision making. I was left feeling exhausted and lacking any creative thinking, so I am just allowing myself to 'be' right now, hoping the word will reveal itself when ready.

  • Jill
    Posted at 01:56h, 07 January Reply

    Last year, mine was "growth" and it was good to me. This year, it's "persistence" because I start a lot of things but finish very few. I'm doing this with my students as well, and it's been very interesting to see how 7th graders react to it.

  • Tamara
    Posted at 03:54h, 07 January Reply

    last year i felt in flux after the new year…i liked the idea of my word {less}, but i wasn't sure what it meant for me…exactly. i had chosen it after careful thinking, and then it felt trivial. i relaxed into it, and as the year progressed "less" became more prominent in many areas of my life. it ended up being the perfect word. this year things seem easier. my word {document} was so easy! everything i'm interested in exploring this year goes with it. it seem so here and now for me. however, already it's taken some twists and turns away from my original plans….which i actually think is a good thing. part of choosing a word for me is allowing for, and having faith in, the unknown. your word will happen…and perhaps your current state of just "being" is a key to it? happy new year! 🙂

  • monica
    Posted at 18:36h, 07 January Reply

    beautifully written, as always, Tracey.

    your writing seems to parallel my thought process… just trying to 'be'… to take things in stride.

    what's up for my 2012? i choose two words a year… this year… allow. and light.

    i celebrate 365 days clean & sober this coming monday (9th)… so i'm just hoping that 2012 brings me continued self-awareness, continued growth…

    ah, to feel it all… "the ease and the discomfort"… that really is it, isn't it?

  • Marcie
    Posted at 01:11h, 09 January Reply

    My word for the year is 'be brave'…but I'm feeling the year starting slowly. It's as if I just want to 'be' in that in between space that was the 'holidays'…not quite ready to bravely jump..just yet.

  • shannon
    Posted at 20:45h, 12 January Reply

    Cheers to you. I wrote about this very same thing at the start of the new year. I feel the same. Going slower…letting things unfold…and learning to be ok with it and trusting that it's exactly as it should be. Peace and love to you. xo

  • kylie
    Posted at 21:52h, 12 January Reply

    my word for the year took time coming to me, and it finally came when i was least expecting it – courage. it feels like my most powerful word yet (after 5? years of choosing words).
    your word will come to you … but its good you are just "being". 🙂

  • Lesley Riley
    Posted at 15:33h, 13 January Reply

    I'm waiting on my one word as well. Nothing has clicked yet, but I'm listening for it. Other than that, I'm full steam ahead on my goals, plans, dreams and doings….but with a calmer, more peaceful attitude than last year. I like that feeling.

  • Jane Hinchliffe
    Posted at 13:52h, 16 January Reply

    Hi Tracey, I totally know what you mean! I too have lots of things I want to accomplish but it is all swimming about in my head at the moment. My usual reaction would be just to dive in and just act upon the things in my head. However, this time I am just waiting, observing, day-dreaming, feeling too… I will know when it feels right and in what order I want to start etc. For now things are percolating… My word for 2012 is Nurture by the way…

  • tracey
    Posted at 07:44h, 17 January Reply

    thanks for your comments everyone! monica, allow is the word that came to me as well! glad to be sharing it with you! : )

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