Author: Tracey

Among a number of other milestones that have taken place around here lately, my daughter promoted from Middle School to High School today. My husband captured this moment of us after the ceremony. It's one of *those* pictures that speaks a thousand words.  I have so much...

I am Enough. Am I? YES!   Why? Why?  That is the question here.  I think that all women have such a deep rooted force within that pushes us to try to be the very best.   Best Wife. Best Mother. Best Friend. Best Daughter. Best. Best. Best. And the list goes on and on...

For the past week, blog post after blog post has been written in my mind. I've been up and down, round and round over and over again. Good days and bad days. Excitement and energy and exasperation and exhaustion.  I said it on facebook the...

  I am enough. Surely I came into this world knowing this, yet somehow, I sloughed off this belief layer by layer. And replaced it with hard-edged, cruel fillers: I am ugly. I am dumb. I am inarticulate. I am certainly not enough. The hows and whys of this deflating departure are...