day to day

"Oh, to be alive in such an age, when miracles are everywhere, and every inch of common air throbs a tremendous prophecy, of greater marvels yet to be." — Walt Whitman   Today's Reverb prompt from Ali Edwards had me musing all day. I know exactly when I feel most...

Today, my first born baby is celebrating a milestone birthday. She is turning 13. Last night amidst the normal routine of piano practice, homework, dinner and more homework I was compelled to capture her last evening of 12.  I know she has been waiting for this...

At this very moment I am in New York, plucking away on my laptop, in a tiny Manhattan hotel room, about to begin what will most certainly be an amazing next few days.  A Martha Stewart radio segment on Morning Living bright and early in the morning to talk...

Needless to say, we have had our share of playtime recently. An afternoon at California Adventureis always a guaranteed good time. Enjoying the parade, sharp shootin' on the Toy Story ride (a Clark family fav), exploring Brother Bears frontier and ending the night with World of...