day to day

Hello. It's been a while. How are things going with you these days? Personally, I'm feeling a little groggy. But I'll be back to my perky self soon. I just need to build in a little down time. Something tells me you know the feeling. ...

From flu bugs to puppies to doors opening to dreams coming true, everything is coming fast and furious. When the tides of life swell above your head and you're trying to keep your head above water, how do you do it? I would say doggie paddle, but that may be far...

Rhythm –noun 1. movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like. 2. the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats.   3. measured movement, as in dancing....

Allowing myself the time to dream has brought a number of those dreams into fruition. The tricky part comes when you have to shift from the dreaming into the doing. One minute your head is in the clouds and the next minute you're feet need to be...

I certainly do hope your week went a little better than mine did. None the less, thanks to a lot of rest, care from my family and quite a few bowls of chicken soup, I'm feeling a little more like myself today. It's been a long...

Am I the only one who marvels at the fact that no matter what kinds of swirling, spinning activity there is happening out and about on the world wide web, we can still stay so close to home? As I wind down a day of bright, bold...