31 Oct have a happy one
They often say, expect the unexpected. Even my horoscope affirmed that "things won't happen like you planned them". Such is life. At a recent wedding, I was planning and plotting for the moment when the bride and groom would see each other for the first time in...
This photo speak volumes to me right now. Busy worker bee loading up on all the good stuff, sometimes feeling heavier than others (look at all that pollen) but still plugging away. Gathering good. Gathering good. If you're plugging away on your photography (I KNOW you amazing ladies at Picture Fall...
This week an amazing perfect protest is going on. Have you heard? Its a rising up against perfection. All in favor, say "aye"! And a chorus of voices all shouts out "aye"! All of the protest photos are awesome. Fun, playful, powerful, poignant. I was so...
It's that time of year when change is brewing. It's the season to gather up love like leaves; stockpiling the abundance to last us through the brisk days and chilly nights to come. Of course, regardless the actual weather (it will heat up to 90 degrees today I've heard),...
The big news today is that it looks like our book Expressive Photography is soon to ship. It's out earlier than expected which is a nice surprise! We're celebrating the art of expression over at Shutter Sisters and giving away a copy of the new book....
It seems I'm not the only one celebrating a birthday these days. In fact, my niece shares mine. And from the look of this shot, she's pretty stoked about it! It's pretty great to be three. Or even 43. We're even celebrating a birthday of sorts...
Last night, on the eve of my birthday, my sister and I had the pleasure of attending the 2nd annual OC Blogger's Ball. It was hosted by Blog Crush founders Marcy Massura and Suz Broughton at the lovely Embassy Suites in Anaheim and was a wonderful evening of mingling amongst...
Looking to spend some creative time with your child? How about signing up for the Art Playgroup Wish Play Create at Wish Studio? Five art mamas lead you and your child through five creative projects. That's one a week for 5 weeks starting on August 30....
Myriam, Jen, Jen, Hula, Ali, Mati, Kelly Rae, Andrea and me (on the end- running into place after I pressed the shutter for our annual timer shot). I'm not usually at a loss for words but coming home from a friendship retreat like this leaves me...