everyday bokeh

When there are sick kids to tend to, responsibilities to deal with, deadlines to meet, and the to-do list just keeps growing, a little humor (and love) works wonders. I just thought I'd share this shot with you, for the fun of it. It feels like just the right moment...

This image came straight out of the camera (SOOC), presenting itself just as it is, just as it should be. The solitary subject matter, in all it's complexities is the main focus here and yet is it the relationship between the bloom and the bokeh that makes this...

  "I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, and inspiration." -Brene Brown A little gratitude on a Friday is a really good thing. And of course there's the trust and inspiration part. Thanks Brene for jarring me out of...